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Big TIP for DAT takers tomorrow

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I went to bed early, and then woke up at 4am, 5am, 6am and then finally rolled out of bed at 6:30... I was so nervous! I had a nightmare that the testing conditions were terrible and people wouldn't stop talking. Saturday night after the DAT I had another nightmare that I was taking the DAT and didn't have a scantron sheet to put my answers down, by the time the proctors got me one there was only 10minutes left for the section... talk about a nightmare! (And that it's been non-stop DAT on my mind... haha... )

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The only thing I remember with writing DAT is: its very very very long.

When it came to my reading section I was too sleepy to function.

Apparently other people had the same feeling otherwise I wouldn't be able to get 22 on reading as ESL...>.<


But if you can get your energy going towards the end Im sure you'll do great.

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The only thing I remember with writing DAT is: its very very very long.

When it came to my reading section I was too sleepy to function.

Apparently other people had the same feeling otherwise I wouldn't be able to get 22 on reading as ESL...>.<


But if you can get your energy going towards the end Im sure you'll do great.


did u write in November or in february??

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