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GPA question


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Hi everyone,


Here is my situation. I went to university right after high school, but I was not a good student back then. I was to involved in sports to care about my grades. I then dropped out and worked for a bit. Realizing what I wanted to do I went back to school and did much better.

Without using the grades from my first attempt at university I have a 3.88 on the ACMAS scale, but including the grades I have a 3.57. Does anybody know if schools will take this into account when they are looking at my GPA?

If not, is a GPA of 3.57 going to get me in the door (assuming I will have mcat scores of low-mid 30s) to show off my research and ECs?



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All marks count regardless of when the courses were taken. They don't have time to comb over everyone's reason why your marks could be low. Bottom line, if the mark is low, its low. Only wiggle room may be at an interview, but you probably don't want to do that. Med school is busy too, and if you can't cut in UG due to the busyness, chances are you'll be swallowed whole in med.

A 3.57 isn't a killer as long as it goes with what you said.

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Thanks for the response. It wasn't that I was busy my first time around... I was just immature and didn't care. I just went to university, because I thought it was the thing to do.

I was actually more busy my second time around... Way more busy. Sports, 3 research projects (2 abstracts and 1 publication), hospital volunteering, teaching assistant, working, and being a father to a new born son. So I can handle the 'busyness'.

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