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IB determines admission?

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To whom it may concern,


I am certainly very confused on this matter, have received ambiguous and/or vague responses from my desired universities, and have had the most difficulty in locating the answer to my query on medical school websites. I do greatly desire the bluntest and most honest of answers.


I am an IB student. My university is forcing me into second year. I am to use my Higher Level IB grades to acquire transfer credits. When I apply to medical school, will they see my final IB grades, or just the transfer credits?


And so, really, my question is: will my IB scores affect admission into medical school, given that the undergraduate portion of my application is at once equally as outstanding as others who are being considered?


I beg you so very much to supply me with a clear answer with supporting evidence, rather than one engulfed in anecdotes or basked in doubt. Thank you so very much.





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Simple answer - call the medical schools and ask.


This is a pretty specific situation, especially if your prereqs are going to be IB. Each school will have a different policy.


You can also look at the AMCAS site to see if they require IB transcripts.

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