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What if you ran into some trouble and won't graduate til Aug?

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Do you lose your spot or do you do an off-cycle start?


Below is an excerpt from a letter I received from my program:

This acceptance is for the academic year commencing July 1, 2012, and is conditional to satisfactory completion of your medical school training by June 30th, 2012


That being said, I'm sure that if there is a good reason for the deferral, it would be considered on a case by case basis.

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but I wont have my diploma til Aug though

Would that matter?


It will matter because in general your diploma is a requirement to legally work as a resident in the hospital.

Some programs will probably make an exception, especially if your school can send a letter confirming that you have satisfied all the requirements and that your diploma will be awarded in august.

Otherwise, if they are very strict, you may need to defer the start of your residency until after you graduate.


Honestly, you can get a million opinions on these forums, but any advice I or others give you is merely speculation.


Call your PD and discuss the situation with them directly. Do it sooner rather than later.

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It will matter because in general your diploma is a requirement to legally work as a resident in the hospital.

Some programs will probably make an exception, especially if your school can send a letter confirming that you have satisfied all the requirements and that your diploma will be awarded in august.

Otherwise, if they are very strict, you may need to defer the start of your residency until after you graduate.


Honestly, you can get a million opinions on these forums, but any advice I or others give you is merely speculation.


Call your PD and discuss the situation with them directly. Do it sooner rather than later.


lol ya i should add that i'm a lowly premed (sorry for any misleading!)... but the bolded part is what i was thinking, just from a "common sense" perspective. on the other hand, i could totally see why, for legal reasons or whatever, they'd want you to have physical proof of graduation, etc. and yeah, it sounds like talking to the pd would be a good idea, hahaha.

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I was able to start residency on July 1st even though I received my diploma only in November that year. Your medical school will have to send your program a letter explaining that you will finish school by June 30th, but I doubt it should be a problem for you.


Good luck!

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