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How Site Selection Works

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I was wondering if someone could clarify what Dr. Ziola said during the Exit Presentation after the MMI. Will choosing a site instead of "No Preference" affect our chances of getting accepted? e.g. lets say the top 61 people choose Saskatoon, and I am the 61st (also choosing Saskatoon), but then the next 40 choose Regina. Will those 40 get in before I do because they chose Regina and I didn't? OR will I just be sent to Regina and maintain my spot as 61st? (Ignoring the different pools and carry-over seats)


I'm asking because if it does affect our chances of getting accepted, it would definitely be a better strategic move to just choose "No Preference", right?



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I am quite sure he said (as every other med school which does this has said):


Site selection has no influence on your offer status.


(a little more specific to sask) I reckon he said top ranked student gets his/her preferred location. 2nd will as well, once they reach a student, say 80th, who wants to get into sask but sask is full - they will offer that student regina AND if a sask spot opens up, #80 will get it, and the waitlisted number 101 will get regina.


He did say that 'No Preference' helps him out a lot because they have a very elaborate system to make it as fair for the deserving students, but I'm pretty sure its understood to be only a preference.


I submitted mine today saying I would prefer Saskatoon. And if I happen to be student number 80 and get offered Regina, I will be one happy camper living in Regina in a few years =P

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Pretty much... the 'top dogs' get first choice (being a top dog = amazing marks and top deciles in MMI)... they keep filling up spots like this until they fill the ratio (whatever it may be) after that everyone loses their freedom of choice and those individuals have to succumb to whatever the College wants... ;)


On another note, are the acceptance, wait listings, rejections coming out on May 15 or sooner?? :confused:

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Pretty much... the 'top dogs' get first choice (being a top dog = amazing marks and top deciles in MMI)... they keep filling up spots like this until they fill the ratio (whatever it may be) after that everyone loses their freedom of choice and those individuals have to succumb to whatever the College wants... ;)


On another note, are the acceptance, wait listings, rejections coming out on May 15 or sooner?? :confused:


They come out t'nite! Here's a lil something to easy all y'all's nerves :D:P


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Wait what???



Everyone please ignore "007_David" I don't think he has a stable mind... as well his choice of words lack maturity and are very difficult to comprehend...


"They come out t'nite! Here's a lil something to "EASY" all y'all's nerves"


Easy?... lol, can't even use proper words or spell... They will not be coming out tonight...


Administrators, if possible could you locate 007_David's IP address and forward it to me... so, I can unleash the 'cyber police' on this individual... or you could simply block his IP address from accessing this site...

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