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For those who have interviewed at Mac before...

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I just have a couple questions if those who have interviewed before wouldn't mind answering without compromising any confidentiality I would really appreciate it!


How much prior knowledge do you think you need/was helpful (about current issues in health and the health care system)?


For the traditional panel questions - are they open or closed file?


Is there anything you wish you knew before going in?


Thanks so much!!!

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I just have a couple questions if those who have interviewed before wouldn't mind answering without compromising any confidentiality I would really appreciate it!


How much prior knowledge do you think you need/was helpful (about current issues in health and the health care system)?


For the traditional panel questions - are they open or closed file?


Is there anything you wish you knew before going in?


Thanks so much!!!


It's been a while since I've interviewed at Mac so take everything I say with a grain of salt. The interview had a couple of questions that were obviously taken from recent headlines at the time regarding Ontario's health care system. I felt adequately prepared by reading the Globe and The Star for a couple of weeks before the interview.


If there are generic questions in the circuit (eg. Why do you want to be a doctor? What are you passionate about?) it's completely closed file and your interviewer will know nothing about you other than what you say in those eight minutes.


As for other tips, smile a lot, be genuine and have fun. It was the most exciting interview I had that year.

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Thank you everyone for responding! I really appreciate the insight.


In general, has anyone ever come across a question in an interview (panel or MMI) surrounding a current event or health care issue they don't really know about and how they dealt with it? I am sure we cannot know about everything that is out there, so I am just wondering what the best way is to deal with issues that we are not really informed on.


Also, for other panel interviews you are given the opportunity to ask them questions. I am just wondering if we will have that opportunity at Mac - I would guess during the panel style questions.


Thanks so much

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Thank you everyone for responding! I really appreciate the insight.


In general, has anyone ever come across a question in an interview (panel or MMI) surrounding a current event or health care issue they don't really know about and how they dealt with it? I am sure we cannot know about everything that is out there, so I am just wondering what the best way is to deal with issues that we are not really informed on.


Also, for other panel interviews you are given the opportunity to ask them questions. I am just wondering if we will have that opportunity at Mac - I would guess during the panel style questions.


Thanks so much


I think Mac designs their questions that even if you have no idea about an issue you can effectively reason your way towards a satisfactory answer. Interviewees who know a bit more about an issue can draw upon their knowledge but I'm fairly certain that interviewers aren't looking for specifics but rather if you're able to give an all-around good response. When in doubt, just say you don't know and talk about how you would move forward if you did know.


In trad. style questions, I wouldn't ask questions about the school. You have a limited amount of time to talk about yourself. Plus there are tons of opportunities during the day to ask questions about the school. I remember having a break station one-on-one with a Mac student and I'm sure they'd be happy to answer any questions.

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I just have a couple questions if those who have interviewed before wouldn't mind answering without compromising any confidentiality I would really appreciate it!


How much prior knowledge do you think you need/was helpful (about current issues in health and the health care system)?


For the traditional panel questions - are they open or closed file?


Is there anything you wish you knew before going in?


Thanks so much!!!


Files are all closed. No one will know anything about you outside of your name.




Sorry for more questions, but are there probing questions during the panel style ones as well?


Probing questions are interviewer-dependent.

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