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U of T interview scores

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I contacted them about transferring interview scores a couple days ago because I have an interview timing conflict with uwo.

They still haven't replied.


I think they're just really busy now marking the personality tests. I don't know if the total interview score out of 35 has the personality test reflected in it but if it does then you probably won't be able to get your score until they're done marking the personality tests, combining scores and inputting scores. So maybe you can find out next week...

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No but I want to email them soon

I just wasn't sure when they would have the scores available


I'm really scared to ask but seriously all I can think about these days is how bad my answers were and what I should've said etc etc:(


anyways if anyone hears back from admissions could you please post a msg here? thanks

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No but I want to email them soon

I just wasn't sure when they would have the scores available


I'm really scared to ask but seriously all I can think about these days is how bad my answers were and what I should've said etc etc:(


anyways if anyone hears back from admissions could you please post a msg here? thanks


I called them and they said they don't release scores until the actual results/acceptances/etc. are released.


So there's no use.

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Does anyone know how much the personality test is accounted for?

I've heard 50% personality test score and 50% interview score...but not sure if this is true...

How can you exactly give a 'score' for that though??

I'm worried about this because there were some statements there I couldn't understand fully... > . < I don't even remember what I put down for some of them...

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Does anyone know how much the personality test is accounted for?

I've heard 50% personality test score and 50% interview score...but not sure if this is true...

How can you exactly give a 'score' for that though??

I'm worried about this because there were some statements there I couldn't understand fully... > . < I don't even remember what I put down for some of them...


The personality test isn't given a score - it's used as a general assessment of what sorts of character traits you possess. You'd think this would be taken care of by the interview but since the interview itself is given a score based on the CDA interview, I guess they want to just view the applicant from a different angle.


Not only that but the personality test also checks for consistency in your answers - since they'll be asking the same thing in different ways.

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I have a very tight exam schedule (uwo interview on the 14th, exams on the 16,18,19, and 20th). I'm thinking about transferring my UofT interview scores to UWO....but I don't know if I did well (though I felt good during the interview).


Since UofT sends out the results on the 5th and the UWO deadline for transfers in the 6th, would it be wise to wait to hear back from UofT on the 5th then? If I get into to Toronto I can just send the scores to UWO, if not call Toronto and see what my score is....if it's crappy I'll just go to the uwo interview, if it's decent just send the scores to uwo. What are your thoughts?


By sending your score, does this hurt your chances. Will UWO say "oh, well he didn't even show up....minus 3 points!"? hah.


Thanks in advance!

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I have a very tight exam schedule (uwo interview on the 14th, exams on the 16,18,19, and 20th). I'm thinking about transferring my UofT interview scores to UWO....but I don't know if I did well (though I felt good during the interview).


Since UofT sends out the results on the 5th and the UWO deadline for transfers in the 6th, would it be wise to wait to hear back from UofT on the 5th then? If I get into to Toronto I can just send the scores to UWO, if not call Toronto and see what my score is....if it's crappy I'll just go to the uwo interview, if it's decent just send the scores to uwo. What are your thoughts?


By sending your score, does this hurt your chances. Will UWO say "oh, well he didn't even show up....minus 3 points!"? hah.


Thanks in advance!


I would personally show up for the interview. I'm not sure whether they take off marks for not showing up (there was a discussion about this last year when most ppl who transferred their scores didn't get accepted), but I think by showing up, it shows u have strong interest in the school as well bc they give u a tour, and u get to see the faculty on ur interview day. Also, I hear that ppl tend to do a bit better during their UWO interview because interviewers are nicer, etc.

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