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Missing Letter of Recommendation

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Hey guys,


I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I was checking through my OMSAS about a month ago and noticed that I had an outstanding letter of recommendation/confidential assessment form from one of my referees. I e-mailed him to see if he would be able to resend it or fax it in, but I'm not sure if Western is even accepting them anymore. I e-mailed the admissions office of schulich med and am hoping for a good response.


Do you think this will adversely affect my chances? :\ I shouldn't have a problem getting another CAF completed - but is Western still accepting them? Do they need all 3 forms?


This has been stressing me out quite a bit.

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I am not sure what Western's policy is for LORs. Some schools will look at your application without the 3rd (which may impact your chances, and it may not depending on your other 2), but for some it means you are disqualified. I would look into their policies or maybe someone else here will know the answer for you.


Have you received an interview this cycle? I would assume they check all that before even considering your application - but again, I don't really know their system or policies.


Just for reference, the "deadline" is October 3 (I think that's what it was this year), but referees have until December 1 to get their letters. Just a bit of advice - next time you should be checking OMSAS regularly during this period until everything is ok and has been received and following up with references before December 1 if they are outstanding.


Please do not quote me, but if you have an interview I would assume they would have checked over things like this before offering it. I assume you have an interview, because if not this is kind of a moot point.


Best of luck

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Yes, I have received an interview. I do realize that it was silly of me to not have been checking OMSAS regularly between October and December. Something that I am regretting quite a bit now.


I haven't heard from admissions regarding the outstanding letter but I'm hoping for the best.

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