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Response from Dal Med?

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Has anyone gotten a response from Dal Med/Tracy regarding feedback interviews for rejected applicants (or waitlisted for that matter)? I sent an email requesting a feedback interview after I got the rejection letter, but I haven't heard back yet. I'm just wondering if it got lost in the shuffle.



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It took about a week/ week and a half before I got a reply. And I emailed them literally the day I got my letter, so it might just be that they have a lot of emails to sort through. I don't think it would hurt to email a second time if it has been more then a week or so though.

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i think we should be hearing from their office some time this week about payment confirmation, at least that's what i was last told. i hope so anyways, i don't like the lack of information.


Agreed. Even a hard copy acceptance letter... y'know on official paper would make me happy. I was also told first week of April we'd get an email confirming they received our deposit.

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