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Waiting game...

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Pretty much officially going crazy waiting now! Anyone else feel this way? I've literally analyzed and re-analyzed everything I did/said / wore about a billion times by now. I wish they were just like "gotcha! Everyone gets in this year:D " after the panel.


Anyone who wishes to reach me will find me staring at my inbox/ the queen's website between now and may 15th

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Pretty much officially going crazy waiting now! Anyone else feel this way? I've literally analyzed and re-analyzed everything I did/said / wore about a billion times by now. I wish they were just like "gotcha! Everyone gets in this year:D " after the panel.


Anyone who wishes to reach me will find me staring at my inbox/ the queen's website between now and may 15th


I'm with you, the wait is driving me crazy. Fortunately, I have managed to not rehash my interview in my mind too much. My goal after each interview was to forget what I talked about and try to let it go. But the wait until May 15 is so long! 48 days & some hours. Focusing on school has been difficult.

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I am analyzing the interview so much that I am having trouble focusing on work that needs to be done like right now! I think it is just part of the catharsis. The whole experience is a roller-coaster ride of emotions (at least for me since this is my first and only interview and I want it so bad). Coming down from the adrenalin high takes a while. I interviewed Sunday and yesterday I almost did no work 'cause I am just completely drained. It's good to know that others are in the same boat and I am not just crazy (although that is partially true). Whatever happens I hope for the best for everyone.

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It's easy to analyze MMI answers. The problem with that is that there's basically never a perfect answer to an MMI so probably everyone said things they shouldn't have on some stations and didn't say enough on others. It's kind of inherent to the format of the interview that there are things you could have done better -- same with everyone else though!


In any case I had a blast meeting you guys over the interview weekends. I wish everyone the best of luck and can't wait to meet the class of 2016!

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I hear you Kaiser- Queen's was my one and only interview as well and I want it so bad I can taste it! haha. I loved everything about the school and the people:D


I'm not doing tooooo bad with the over-analyzing- only the first station I did. I keep realizing things that I would have wanted to say even though I had trouble filling up the time when I was actually in there. D'oh! Oh well- nothing I can do now except wait and hope for the best! The rest of the stations I felt pretty good about, but who knows! My panel was a great experience.


Class of 2015 was awesome and I met a ton of amazing fellow interviewees- best of luck to everyone.

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I am so in love with Queens & Kingston. My family unit is completely on board with packing up and moving across country if I get in.


...every time I see this thread title, I can't help but think 'this is the least fun game EVER!'


That said, I am super grateful to actually have interviewed! I have been working towards this for so long. Very neat to be waiting for 'my May 15', rather than watching from the sidelines.

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Got a mail from Queen's

Since it was thin, my parents thought I was rejected...no wonder they were so nice to me today even though I annoyed them like flies :P


I got home, saw the envelope and thought the same thing at first, completely forgetting that it's suppose to be May15th. I thought I did so bad that they didn't need that long to consider me and dropped me at a speed of light.


I opened the letter, whew! nope.



But got a pre-heart stroke... I'm not sure I will survive May 15th.

IT will cause me heart attack either way, with happiness or with sadness.


I have absolutely no plan what to do after rejection...

Just like this year, I'm floating like homeless,,, poor and all. Just lot of reflecting about myself. (Anymore reflection and I will be a Buddha...unenlightened one!!)

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Got a mail from Queen's

Since it was thin, my parents thought I was rejected...no wonder they were so nice to me today even though I annoyed them like flies :P


I got home, saw the envelope and thought the same thing at first, completely forgetting that it's suppose to be May15th. I thought I did so bad that they didn't need that long to consider me and dropped me at a speed of light.


I opened the letter, whew! nope.



But got a pre-heart stroke... I'm not sure I will survive May 15th.

IT will cause me heart attack either way, with happiness or with sadness.


I have absolutely no plan what to do after rejection...

Just like this year, I'm floating like homeless,,, poor and all. Just lot of reflecting about myself. (Anymore reflection and I will be a Buddha...unenlightened one!!)


Mind sharing what was in the letter?

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Got a mail from Queen's

Since it was thin, my parents thought I was rejected...no wonder they were so nice to me today even though I annoyed them like flies :P


I got home, saw the envelope and thought the same thing at first, completely forgetting that it's suppose to be May15th. I thought I did so bad that they didn't need that long to consider me and dropped me at a speed of light.


I opened the letter, whew! nope.



But got a pre-heart stroke... I'm not sure I will survive May 15th.

IT will cause me heart attack either way, with happiness or with sadness.


I have absolutely no plan what to do after rejection...

Just like this year, I'm floating like homeless,,, poor and all. Just lot of reflecting about myself. (Anymore reflection and I will be a Buddha...unenlightened one!!)


Hilarious. I had the exact same feeling of anxiety/anticipation even though I am totally aware that a) it will come by email/SOLUS and B) it won't come until May 15.


I have plans for after the rejection, but they involve working at Starbucks and watching Sci Fi.

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nice, I want to work for starbucks too.



Seriously, though.... it's been terrible supporting myself on penny in order to land a job that sits right with my "morality". I don't think I might even have the luxury for this next year. Tobacco sales here I come.

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