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Chances of Interview??

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Hey guys,


Like many people on here, Im just looking for opinions re: What are my chances of getting an interview/acceptance?? I didnt apply for this cycle, but hope to for next year...I applied two summers ago and was not offered an interview so I need to know how to improve!


Here's my info:

- Completed BA Hons Psych with thesis (GPA 3.77) and BSc Nursing (GPA 3.94)

- Currently work as an RN with lots of extra training (e.g., have advanced training performing pap tests and female exams, prescribe birth control and STI treatments)

- Ten years+ experience volunteering in all types of hopsitals, literacy programs for children, research labs (Infectious diseases, eating disorders), retirement homes etc...

- Have a publication, published abstract, numerous conference posters/presentations, student health research awards, and a technical report for Industry Canada

- Did not have great MCAT VR score - only a 7...plan to re-write!!!

- No hard science courses (only Anatomy/Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology and the like)



Appreciate all thoughts and comments, good or bad! Good luck to everyone interviewing!! :)

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Hey guys,


Like many people on here, Im just looking for opinions re: What are my chances of getting an interview/acceptance?? I didnt apply for this cycle, but hope to for next year...I applied two summers ago and was not offered an interview so I need to know how to improve!


Here's my info:

- Completed BA Hons Psych with thesis (GPA 3.77) and BSc Nursing (GPA 3.94)

- Currently work as an RN with lots of extra training (e.g., have advanced training performing pap tests and female exams, prescribe birth control and STI treatments)

- Ten years+ experience volunteering in all types of hopsitals, literacy programs for children, research labs (Infectious diseases, eating disorders), retirement homes etc...

- Have a publication, published abstract, numerous conference posters/presentations, student health research awards, and a technical report for Industry Canada

- Did not have great MCAT VR score - only a 7...plan to re-write!!!

- No hard science courses (only Anatomy/Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology and the like)



Appreciate all thoughts and comments, good or bad! Good luck to everyone interviewing!! :)

Bump up your VR, understand CASPer, fill your 48-item sketch as best and genuinely as you can and apply.


You are strong on paper based on your current stats. If I can do it, almost anybody can.

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Mac's breakdown pre-interview is 25% GPA, 25% VR and 46% CASPer, (50% of you're a grad student).


I don't know which GPA they will use but your best shot at making yourself BETTER is to maximize your VR score so I would focus on that. Your ECs are not relevant for Mac but you will find that you may be able to incorporate your experiences into your CASPer and MMI answers.


Right now? Rewrite MCAT and try and hit >= 10 on VR. Good luck :)

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