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McGill PT 2012

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Wondering if some of you have applied to McGill's PT program? They should be sending out invitations soon. I'm from Ontario - but decided to apply since it's so close.


Would anyone know what some recent year's stats are for this program in terms of admissions? They don't provide much details on their website.


Good luck to all of you!

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Hey there! I also applied to McGill. I received an email today that said invitations for interviews would be sent out during the week of April 9th-13th. My Orpas subGPA was 3.77 and the only other Schools I applied for were U of A (looking doubtful - out of province applicants need a GPA over 3.8 for an interview) and Western Ontario. Id be pumped to go to McGill or UWO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was searching google to find out how many people are invited to PTQY interviews and came across these posts - I received my interview invitation today around 3:00 pm (last minute or what!).


They gave me until Wednesday to confirm... so for anyone who hasn't received one I'm assuming rounds are still happening (I'm pretty sure I was a second round because of how late the invite was sent - so good luck!).


Do any of you know people who are presently in the program?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, I heard back yesterday - pretty pumped about it! Still waiting until Friday to accept the offer - gona see where I stand with UWO first, but my gpa was 3.77 so Im thinking Ill likely be on their waitlist. Someone should get a facebook group going in the next couple weeks to help with intros and some living/organization stuff.

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