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UBC DMD 2016 Waitlisters

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Hey Everyone,


I know that there is no official waitlist for UBC dentistry, but I assume there is at least 50 IP candidates who didn't get accepted this year. I personally received the rejection email stating that I met the minimum requirements, but that I was not accepted due to the competitiveness of the applicant pool...etc.etc...and of course I received the part at the end about keeping all of my information updated because although they are unable to offer me a seat at this time, they may contact me in the summer in the case that an applicant drops out! I personally think this is just brutal, but I would like to get a sense about how many of these emails were sent out. I know from experience that there are at least two different kinds of rejection letters....one with full rejection (does not meet minimum cut offs) and one like mine. I'd like to get an idea about roughly how many IP students have received each kind of email just in an effort to try to figure out if I should have any hope for getting accepted this year....I mean if 40/50 people are put on hold, then my hopes for getting in this year may as well not exist...


Other than that, this thread can be a place where fellow waitlisters for UBC DMD 2016 can communicate! Looking forward to hearing from you guys during this painful journey of not knowing:)

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I am not sure how many people get the kind of email that you got but i know there is always hope. BUT that doesn't mean you should be checking your email every minute or thinking about/stressing about it every day. If I were you, I would just consider that I wouldn't get it and I would do everything I can for my next year application ie. take summer courses? volunteer? get my states/Australia application in as soon as they open.. and etc


you dont want to jeopardize your applications for next year just because they told you they may contact you in the summer..

if you get that email/call.. well it would be amazing but if you dont you still have worked very hard in the summer and you will get in next year!

Just to give you an idea, I heard someone got a call that a spot opened up 3 weeks before the classes were starting last year... so it could really be anytime but you shouldn't make that to stress you so much that you cant get anything else done.

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Hey Everyone,


I know that there is no official waitlist for UBC dentistry, but I assume there is at least 50 IP candidates who didn't get accepted this year. I personally received the rejection email stating that I met the minimum requirements, but that I was not accepted due to the competitiveness of the applicant pool...etc.etc...and of course I received the part at the end about keeping all of my information updated because although they are unable to offer me a seat at this time, they may contact me in the summer in the case that an applicant drops out! I personally think this is just brutal, but I would like to get a sense about how many of these emails were sent out. I know from experience that there are at least two different kinds of rejection letters....one with full rejection (does not meet minimum cut offs) and one like mine. I'd like to get an idea about roughly how many IP students have received each kind of email just in an effort to try to figure out if I should have any hope for getting accepted this year....I mean if 40/50 people are put on hold, then my hopes for getting in this year may as well not exist...


Other than that, this thread can be a place where fellow waitlisters for UBC DMD 2016 can communicate! Looking forward to hearing from you guys during this painful journey of not knowing:)


they accepted 60 this year for 48 spots

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Thank you Sdent for your words of encouragement! I am definitely not giving up the fight just because they told me that they may call me in the summer. I am working, volunteering, and even planning on taking summer courses to boost my GPA for the upcoming application cycle and I may even rewrite the DAT. I just wanted to get an idea about how hopeful I should be, and from Pat Kelly's post it seems that perhaps I should not be so hopeful after all. Thank you for sharing this information Pat Kelly. May I ask what your source is on this? I have often heard that they accept more people than they can take, but this doesn't really make a lot of sense to me as there is no guarantee as to how many people will be giving up their seats, so it doesn't make sense to accept more people than they can take....

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Thank you Sdent for your words of encouragement! I am definitely not giving up the fight just because they told me that they may call me in the summer. I am working, volunteering, and even planning on taking summer courses to boost my GPA for the upcoming application cycle and I may even rewrite the DAT. I just wanted to get an idea about how hopeful I should be, and from Pat Kelly's post it seems that perhaps I should not be so hopeful after all. Thank you for sharing this information Pat Kelly. May I ask what your source is on this? I have often heard that they accept more people than they can take, but this doesn't really make a lot of sense to me as there is no guarantee as to how many people will be giving up their seats, so it doesn't make sense to accept more people than they can take....


I think that they do accept more than they can take, but remember that they have been through this process for decades and do have a general idea of how many people may give up their seat. I'm sure they that don't grossly overestimate the amount of people giving up their seats or that would put them at a loss.


With that said, I hope everything goes well and best of luck to you!

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Thank you Sdent for your words of encouragement! I am definitely not giving up the fight just because they told me that they may call me in the summer. I am working, volunteering, and even planning on taking summer courses to boost my GPA for the upcoming application cycle and I may even rewrite the DAT. I just wanted to get an idea about how hopeful I should be, and from Pat Kelly's post it seems that perhaps I should not be so hopeful after all. Thank you for sharing this information Pat Kelly. May I ask what your source is on this? I have often heard that they accept more people than they can take, but this doesn't really make a lot of sense to me as there is no guarantee as to how many people will be giving up their seats, so it doesn't make sense to accept more people than they can take....


I dont think they accepted 60.. I really would like to know how pat kelly has came up with that number.

I can tell you that in the 2016 fb group there are 47 incoming first years (others are second years to answer Qs)


Re-writing the DAT is not a bad idea since it would only benefit you (they take the highest mark)

taking summer courses could be a good idea only if you aim for 90+ .. so be careful

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