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Full File Review?

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I was creeping around on the McMaster website and noticed this statement:


"The Undergraduate Medical Program uses two formulae to rank applicants - the first provides a rank order list for invitation to interview, and the second provides a rank order list for advancement to Collation (full file review)."


The wording of this implies that following the interview, a rank list of applicants are made for file review. Then pending on the results of this file review, another rank list is made for offers of admissions.


This implies that even if you aced your interview, if you have a bad "file review," you may still not be offered admission...What does a full file review entail? Reference letters? Extracurricular? Anyone have insights on this?

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On the Mac Website, they have the following formula for ranking applicants:


70% Interview

15% GPA

15% MCAT verbal score


So I think those are the only things considered in the full file review, but the main emphasis is on the interview.


That's the second formula which the quote from the website is talking about to generate a list for collation. Makes you wonder eh?

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That's the second formula which the quote from the website is talking about to generate a list for collation. Makes you wonder eh?


Definitely does... Just to mess with everyone - imagine that you did AMAZING on the MMI and your GPA/VR are reasonable... and it turns out that one of your references said something that red flagged you and THAT's the reason you get rejected.


But because they don't release scores - you have no way of knowing.



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Well, this is disconcerting. My grades are great, VR score 11 (reasonable I think), and I felt the MMI went as well as it could have. My hopes were up because of that formula. Now... well, I guess it's all back up in the air.




Honestly at this point, I've resigned myself to drinking a sip of water every time I begin to stress out about McMaster.


The least I can do is try to turn my stress into something that makes me more healthy. Although, I have had to pee five times today...

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Me: So now that I've done the interview, I guess I just have to wait for 12 near-retirement old white men who ask their kids to tell them that the computer isn't turned on to put on their dinner jackets and sit around a fire smoking cigars comparing the pictures we submitted to figure out who they find more attractive?


Guy from admon: Are you kidding? It's random!



In seriousness: If there really was an algorithm rather than a subjective process they could tell us within about 2 milliseconds of all of the interview results being collected.

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Could be a subjective process or they could put all weighted scores in their statistical software, divide everyone into three piles (accepted, WL and rejected) based on the 70/15/15 formula and sit happily until May 15th.


Such is the nature of the black box that is medical school admissions.


Me: So now that I've done the interview, I guess I just have to wait for 12 near-retirement old white men who ask their kids to tell them that the computer isn't turned on to put on their dinner jackets and sit around a fire smoking cigars comparing the pictures we submitted to figure out who they find more attractive?


Guy from admon: Are you kidding? It's random!



In seriousness: If there really was an algorithm rather than a subjective process they could tell us within about 2 milliseconds of all of the interview results being collected.

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Me: So now that I've done the interview, I guess I just have to wait for 12 near-retirement old white men who ask their kids to tell them that the computer isn't turned on to put on their dinner jackets and sit around a fire smoking cigars comparing the pictures we submitted to figure out who they find more attractive?


Guy from admon: Are you kidding? It's random!



In seriousness: If there really was an algorithm rather than a subjective process they could tell us within about 2 milliseconds of all of the interview results being collected.


Except for the fact that all medical schools in Ontario are in on this giant conspiracy to cause applicants as much anxiety as possible until May 15. I swear its a calculated maneuver: set the date in mid May on a Tuesday where mental hospitals are least crowded and most apt to deal with emotional breakdowns.

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Except for the fact that all medical schools in Ontario are in on this giant conspiracy to cause applicants as much anxiety as possible until May 15. I swear its a calculated maneuver: set the date in mid May on a Tuesday where mental hospitals are least crowded and most apt to deal with emotional breakdowns.


The old release date was April 1st, but they had too many people calling in to find out if their rejection/acceptance was an April Fools' Joke or for real.

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The old release date was April 1st, but they had too many people calling in to find out if their rejection/acceptance was an April Fools' Joke or for real.


Really?? When was that??


How times have changed...I believe some people are interviewing on April 1 this year for Mac and UWO

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Really?? When was that??


How times have changed...I believe some people are interviewing on April 1 this year for Mac and UWO


It was a joke... I was trying to lighten the mood.


For the record, today is 46 days to... A-day.


A is for Admission.

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