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NO idea what to do this summer...


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Ok, so I'm in 1st year Life Sci at UTSG and I really regret not planning ahead this year... I was gonna do research in the summer and my marks are great (A+'s) but it's already April. I tried emailing some profs about research jobs last week but got nothing, so now I'm asking around for volunteer positions. I'm about to give up, though, because I'm behind in my courses and exams are coming up. I really can't afford to spend hours ACTUALLY reading their research papers and writing emails expressing my genuine interest only to be ignored.


And is it even worth it? I mean, even if I do land a volunteer position, is it worthy enough to be included as "experience" on my CV for future research opportunities? I went through many topics about this on this forum and many people said volunteers just do menial cleanup work and stuff... But then what am I supposed to do this summer if I don't volunteer in a lab? Any ideas/advice/words of encouragement? :(

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Volunteer at a nursing home? Get a summer job at Starbucks/retail store? Apparently medical schools like work experience (from what I hear!).


You can't give up...there has to be something still available. You just have to keep trying (easier said than done).

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