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transfer applicants

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Hey guys,


So I am thinking for my final year (i should say additional year, 4th year) that I want to go back to my original Uni (after being away from it since 2005). How does a student get admission as a transfer applicant? and is there a general cgpa they are looking for in transfer applicants? (that seems consistent across uni's)

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Do your best to suck it up and finish out your final year unless there is some emmergent reason causing you to transfer. Schools will only transfer 60 credits- this is a best case scenario. If you transfer, you will unnecessarily prolong your UG education. I think you will find it to be costly in many ways.

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RE: gpa- check out your school's website. It will be there. In general though, the transfer gpa is fairly low... I think 2- something. You will have to show highschool transcripts, university transcripts. It's a fairly time consuming process. Like I said, if there is any way you can just push through your last year at your current school, I would strongly recommend that.

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