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Panel presentation and discussion on U of T Med School Admission on Apr 14!

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My name is Selena and I'm a second year medical student at the University of Toronto. We are currently in the process of organizing the annual Open House for the Faculty of Medicine. The Open House is a day in which the Faculty of Medicine invites students interested in a career in medicine to learn more about the profession. It consists of a keynote speaker (a faculty member) and a panel made up of medical students. They will discuss a variety of topics including:


- A brief overview of any topic in the medical school application process- academics (prerequisite courses and transcript), MCAT, essay, autobiographical sketch, references

- Life in med school (class schedule, extracurriculars)

- What to expect

- Q & A period


There are also a series of workshops in the afternoon during which attendees can learn a variety of clinical skills such as airway management, vitals signs, and reading x-rays.


Please find attached our poster of the event. Guests can register using the following link (Friends and Family welcome!): http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KNVWZMF.






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