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How good is the school?


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I'm looking at schools in the states that I would like to go to based on what city I would like to live in...but I have no idea what the schools reputation is besides big names (harvard, yale)...is there a reputable list that gets published year to year? like for example, I've heard of NYU but how does it stack up against other schools in new york??? any advice would be appreciated...

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I know several Canadians who were accepted by U.S. schools this year. Don't be discouraged. Just remember three things:


1) Whereas all med schools in Canada are great, there is a greater disparity in the U.S.

2) They cost a great amount of money - different schools have different financial aid packages for Int'ls.

3) IMO, residency applications are ultimately more stressful when applying in the US, because you get judged mainly on your USMLE Step1 and AOA status.


My biggest challenge when applying was not realizing that the AMCAS was open in May and people were supposed to submit as soon as possible. I did everything rushed. With that said, still got several interviews and offers.


If you love NYC, try to get into Columbia.


P&S Love.

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