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Where are all the Canadians who studied at American medschools now?

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I'm curious to know what specialties are Canadians who went to the US to study medicine are doing now? And what school they went and how they felt about studying in the US. Thank-you for your time, I appreciate it.


P.S. Do you think it's less difficult to specialize in the US than suppose Canada? And did you come back to canada?

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Of the ppl I know that went to the States for med most of them ended up staying in the states. Not because they were unable to come back, but becuase they were happy with what they had there. On a more pessimistic note, one of them had no intention to come back to a system that didn't give him a chance, and so he decided to give back to the Land of Opportunity that gave him the opportunity to study medicine.

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Of the ppl I know that went to the States for med most of them ended up staying in the states. Not because they were unable to come back, but becuase they were happy with what they had there. On a more pessimistic note, one of them had no intention to come back to a system that didn't give him a chance, and so he decided to give back to the Land of Opportunity that gave him the opportunity to study medicine.


That's quite touching. In a way you are right. Canada has limited opportunities in the field of medicine, and I think I would do the same thing if I get rejected everywhere here.

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Of the ppl I know that went to the States for med most of them ended up staying in the states. Not because they were unable to come back, but becuase they were happy with what they had there. On a more pessimistic note, one of them had no intention to come back to a system that didn't give him a chance, and so he decided to give back to the Land of Opportunity that gave him the opportunity to study medicine.


Interesting, I haven't thought of it like that... But I do feel like I will be in the states for a long time before coming back to Canada (if I do).

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Aside from family


there are 0 reasons to come back to canada


Pretty ignorant, aren't you.


Go talk to a lot of the physicians down there. Due to the economic state, some of them are barely scraping by because insurance companies are delaying/extremely stingy. And those out of pocket patients, who you spent money on, have lost their job and aren't able to pay - so its written off. Then you have sky high malpractice insurance, and - **** - you are actually losing money. And then, because of the economic state, hospital administrators are making you reject patients if they don't pass the financial screen prior to evaluation and treatment.


That is medicine in the US. Canada is a safe haven for physicians. While your potential earnings aren't as high, you are guarenteed an economically-safe life and can treat patients regardless of their financial standing - you know, the way sick patients should be treated.

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Most people stay in the US because, firstly, it is easier. You have learned in that system, have some connections, and are likely comfortable. Secondly, earning potential is a commodity when international student debt load in the US is rediculously high. Probably to the tune of 400-600K+ at the end of residency.

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most of my physician relatives in the states are easily making 400-500K (some more) and are busy buying sports cars. Although the comment about some doctors barely making any money might in the states might be true (to be honest im not that educated about how the whole getting paid through the insurance system works). But most doctors that I know of or other people tell me about, are doing really well down there.

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You talk about earning


Do you know much taxes you pay!!!!


Not the raw tax ..but if u buy an



It gets taxed on transportation ..services duty border etc

Its a tax on tax


You sould compare the standard of living in the us ..in bug cities conpared to can


Aside from peds the base average income..post taxes is much much more than can

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Id take semi private med any day n pay less taxes vs an over abusive over diagnosed can system


You should research on the patients n doc scamming tax money here


Compare the ave er waittimes in us vs can


Mins compared to hrs!

Compare the time to see specialist months versus A month!


Add the fact that aside from big cities..tor van mtl the rest of the country has yet to see a doctor

Ont has 2 mill patients witj mo fam doctors


What about the students?? Ave med acceptance of 10% what a joke



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I mean to say when can gets into its own recession train watch


You compared a us system at its worst

The biggest depression since 1940s

...also compare surgery times n mri times ...


When doctors are free to do anything you lose regulation


I have 0 loyalty here ..but you can continue to apply im sure aftrring doing 5 phds ull get an interview

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most of my physician relatives in the states are easily making 400-500K (some more) and are busy buying sports cars. Although the comment about some doctors barely making any money might in the states might be true (to be honest im not that educated about how the whole getting paid through the insurance system works). But most doctors that I know of or other people tell me about, are doing really well down there.


The average fm in rural us makes 300k

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most of my physician relatives in the states are easily making 400-500K (some more) and are busy buying sports cars. Although the comment about some doctors barely making any money might in the states might be true (to be honest im not that educated about how the whole getting paid through the insurance system works). But most doctors that I know of or other people tell me about, are doing really well down there.


I find that hard to believe if its a family physician. If it's a certain specialty, then its believable.


You talk about earning


Do you know much taxes you pay!!!!


Not the raw tax ..but if u buy an Apple

It gets taxed on transportation ..services duty border etc

Its a tax on tax


You sould compare the standard of living in the us ..in bug cities conpared to can

Aside from peds the base average income..post taxes is much much more than can


Do you know how much a house cost in Canada? I have relatives in the US who can't believe the house prices in Canada (decent canadian homes are $300k+ and placeslike Toronto....$700k+).

And asfor tax, there are states that don't pay any tax at all. Almost all the states pay less tax than Ontario (13%).

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It's difficult to compare cost of living in Canada vs the US. We pay more for taxes in Canada but we also get more services (health care). As physicians, that may not matter but to your patients, it will.


I've lived in both countries. I chose to come back to Canada because it's much better to be a family doc here than in the US. Money-wise, I'm doing well, much better than my colleagues in the US. Even post-tax, I'm better off. Corporate tax rates in Canada are much lower than the US (14 vs 30%), and because I'm incorporated, that gives me a huge advantage. Malpractice is dirt cheap here (after the CMA rebates, I pay about 600 bucks a year for malpractice, compared to at least 20-40K for family medicine depending on the state). Yes, there are disadvantages-home prices are through the roof. But I look at my house as a 1.5 million dollar INVESTMENT. I can cash out anytime and move to the boonies. If you're making that much money you need to put your cash somewhere--either in your house or somewhere else and right now real estate in Canada is a pretty safe long-term investment.

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Also, consider the fact that in the states, many doctors are dealing with cash payments directly from patients. This can mean a big opportunity for the not-so-honest-tax-stealing American physicians.


Although, many physicians in Canada will find loop holes in the system and incorporate and then pay their wife/kids as employees etc etc. Not saying if this is illegal but i guess there are ways around saving taxes.

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Also, consider the fact that in the states, many doctors are dealing with cash payments directly from patients. This can mean a big opportunity for the not-so-honest-tax-stealing American physicians.


Although, many physicians in Canada will find loop holes in the system and incorporate and then pay their wife/kids as employees etc etc. Not saying if this is illegal but i guess there are ways around saving taxes.


Its actually not illegal - its called "income splitting" - though technically those people (wife/children etc) SHOULD be doing some sort of work (filing, reception, cleaning etc). You can be audited (my family had a business which did this, and we were audited...however because we all actually did do some work, it was all good). The government is well aware that this happens.

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Its actually not illegal - its called "income splitting" - though technically those people (wife/children etc) SHOULD be doing some sort of work (filing, reception, cleaning etc). You can be audited (my family had a business which did this, and we were audited...however because we all actually did do some work, it was all good). The government is well aware that this happens.


It is illegal. I have financial planners and a CRA employee in my family and they often have conversations about this type of stuff. You can do it to some extent, but if you pay your wife/husband/daughter/son/dog 132k as your receptionist CRA may give you a different number to use. The investigations part of CRA could be tripled, so as it is there is always other/bigger fish. I've heard of people taking this a step further and paying for their children's education as employees of their company.

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It is illegal. I have financial planners and a CRA employee in my family and they often have conversations about this type of stuff. You can do it to some extent, but if you pay your wife/husband/daughter/son/dog 132k as your receptionist CRA may give you a different number to use. The investigations part of CRA could be tripled, so as it is there is always other/bigger fish. I've heard of people taking this a step further and paying for their children's education as employees of their company.


It is illegal but people still do it. I pay my wife a small income as my assistant as she is still in school and has no income but usually under 12k a year. However I did attend a seminar with an accountant who maintains its totally legal. Some docs challenged him on it but he maintained it was legal.

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