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Global & Mail Opinion Piece - Only15% of Gen. Surgery Grads Find Work?


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I saw this passage in an article and it seemed a little fishy:

"... of all the general surgeons who finished medical school at the University of Toronto in the past two years, only 15 per cent have found work. The rest are pursuing further training, in hopes that something will eventually open up..."


Anybody know if there is any truth to that at all? Is the author just considering all people doing fellowships etc. "unable to find work"?


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Only 15% of people may take a job immediately out of residency, but the reason isn't because there are no jobs. Most surgeons do fellowships because they need additional training and focus as most people end up having very targeted practices.


Being amazing in one area of gen.surgery is better than being okay at a bunch of things. It reduces liability, stress and drastically improves patient outcomes.

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