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So...If I don't get in this year..

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Judging by my GPA from exams (which went horribly wrong), if I don't get in this year I'm F**ked next year. Anyone else having this feeling?


I definitely know people who went from a 3.9 after three years, got rejected and then didnt recive an interview because they gpa dropped a lot in their final year. Kill casper?

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Also, if you don't get in this year, when you apply again you'll have the previous experience from already having gone through it all that you didn't have the first go-around. I imagine that could be really helpful for Casper and interviews. Of course, maybe you'll just get in and this will all be moot!

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Is your GPA actually screwed up or do you just think that because you are anxious? I was convinced I failed a course (by failing the final), but ended up with an 85 in it. I was calculating worst case scenarios and hoping that I had not screwed up a possible acceptance. That is what anxiety can do to your perceptions.


Otherwise, you are not screwed if you've been maintaining a 3.9 all along, unless your bad year is like a really bad year (like 2 something GPA), in which case you might have to start worrying about possible acceptances being rescinded.

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