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referencing presentations

Guest EB

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i have a question that hopefully someone with some research experience can answer for me. how are presentations referenced? Is it date, conference title, location, title of presentation, mode of presentation (oral, poster)?


What about non-conference presentations, such as departmental rounds?


lastly, a few times i have been unable to get time off school to present at conferences, so my supervisor has presented for me. can these still be listed on my carms application? and how do i indicate that someone else presented? are these presentations going to be considered less impressive because i did not do them myself?



Thanks in advance for any advice...



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Guest wattyjl

on an actual cv i've never seen someone reference a 'presentation' per se. in my experience (and with my own cv) the abstract that was submitted to the conference is referenced (like any other journal article ref.). if want to distinguish between poster and oral presentations (which you definitely should since being invited to speak is more impressive), consider creating a small legend and using symbols following your reference to indicate how it was presented. alternatively, you could simply write 'presented orally', or 'presented as a poster' following the reference.


typically the name of individual giving the presentation is underlined (at least in the abstract books given out at conferences) - you could do this to indicate whether it was you or your supervisor who was presenting. obviously, you would still be first author on the abstract.

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for conference abstracts that are not published in or as a supplement to any journal, would you just reference it like:


Doe J, Smith B. Title of abstract. Canadian Diabetes Association Annual Meeting.


Wow, this is going to be very confusing for me, as I'll have presented al my work, but not published it, prior to matching...



Thanks for the advice,



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Guest blinknoodle

I'd suggest something like this (a bit more info added):


Author A, Author BC & Principal I. (2004). Title. 12th Annual Canadian Diabetes Association Meeting. Montreal, QC (July 13-23, 2004)


Be proud of your presentations too! :)

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