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I am bilingual, and am as comfortable speaking/reading/hearing French as I am English in most capacities, though my French is more chatty/slang than it is professional and my written grammar sucks.


A forum search tells me that they will likely throw me interview questions in French to ensure I actually am bilingual, which isn't a problem. What I am curious about is how much weight it holds. Obviously, GPA and ECs are the most important parts of an application, but does it tend to help out quite a bit?


UofO, in my experience, is very serious about maintaining both official languages (I was a student there briefly. Long story) so I'm hoping that maintaining my French will help me a bit when it comes time to apply.


Getting a bit ahead of myself - I'm two and a half hears from even starting my app, but it never hurts to think ahead.

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Ottawa has two streams:French and English. The cut offs for the French stream are lower than the English so that tends to help. Although if you apply to the French stream then you will be studying in French. Being bilingual I am sure will help on the ABS side of things but I am not sure how much weight it holds. There is a lot of emphasis on GPA at uottawa - the accepted mean GPA is always quite high. Bilingualism will always be an asset wherever you go.

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