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MCAT Scores


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Hi everyone,


I'm kind of freaking out right now. I started studying for the MCAT a week and a half ago and my scores are very very low on the passages. Like seriously, on some, I'm getting a 1/7. I understand that I haven't been studying for that long and my test date is a while away but I am wondering if my scores are uncharacteristically low, even for the beginning? Can anyone please share their experiences?


Thank you!

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have you ever tested before? i think that will make a difference. if you have, i'd compare my score to what you got last time. if you haven't, then know that there will be considerable variation for the first test that one takes. it's pretty hard to judge what's normal for the first few tests. i'd say anywhere from 5-10, when scaled on the 1-15 scales, would be normal for someone's first try/tries (depending on the section/student's background). as i said, though, there'll be quite a bit of variation so you can expect to have many different opinions.

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i should add that when i set 10 as the "upper limit", i had in mind the sort of stereotypical student taking the test: summer between second and third year, has taken general physics, chem, orgo, and bio (but not for a year or so), has time on his/her hands, and the 10 is in the PS or BS section. i don't think it's out of the ordinary to find a science-background student who gets in the 5-7 range in verbal for a little while before s/he starts to see improvement.

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lol the first practice test I took (before I even started studying - TPR makes you take one right at the start of the prep course) I got a 4 in the BS section ... and that was just from getting about 1/4 correct cause I guessed on every single question (I had no university bio). I managed to get a 10 on my actual MCAT bio section a few months later, so I would say don't freak out at this point - study for a couple months first, and then, if you still aren't happy with your scores, decide if there is a better way for you to study/get a tutor/take a prep course/try new books, etc.

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