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firm accept using SAM on OMSAS?

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I wanted to respond to my offer of admission from Mac...

just wanted to confirm that after we log into SAM on OMSAS.. we just need to click on firm accept and then submit that?...

just checking!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys


Just a bit confused about this......I got in off the waitlist and this is what my e-mail said:


You have until June 11, 2012 to respond to this offer. This is done via the OMSAS Secure Messaging System by logging back in to your OMSAS account (your offer will not appear there for a couple of days so you cannot do this immediately), and by returning the paper response form, with deposit (if you are accepting your offer) to this office.


So question for those of you who got in on the 15th.....was there some sort of a notification when you logged into OMSAS? Why does it say your offer will not appear there for a couple of days?


Because when I use SAM, I can just check off Mac and say firm accept and submit even now. Is that what I am supposed to do and that's it?



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Yep that's all you have to do. Most likely your offer just appeared on OMSAS sooner than the school anticipated.


Just submit the paper response form to the office by date specified and you should be good.


That's what I was thinking too - I am guessing those who are waitlisted at only mac lets say, would not be able to hit that button that says "respond to offers"


is there some kind of indication as to what pending offers you do have? i had to self-enter what schools i had offers from.. so I could have theoretically said I was accepted to Toronto or something


This is what I was referring to also! I wish there was some offer that popped up and you had to reply. I guess from what tbee01 says though, that you just check off the box(es) yourself and do it. It's a bit non-climatic lol


Could someone on the waitlist (who is only waitlisted at mac and does not have offers from other schools) please check this for us and let us know - when you log onto OMSAS and hit the secure messaging link, can you "respond to offers" and check off any schools you like?


Thanks for the responses guys :)

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Just wondering, do we get a confirmation email from OMSAS after we hit submit on the Secure Messaging System.


You get an email from OMSAS saying you submitted a change/request through SAM. After a few days, you should get another email saying your request has been "processed". There's actually no "confirmatory" message stating "So and So medical school has received your response to their offer of admission."

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