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Orientation 2012

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Hi Everyone,


Registration is on September 4th, and so when does orientation "week" occur? Does it occur during the first couple weeks of classes (assuming that what I have heard is true and orientation week is 2 weeks long)? Or does it start a few weeks before the 4th?


Also, is orientation "week" also student run? And if so, can anyone tell us what's involved or when we will be contacted about it?


So for the many questions I just don't know what to expect in regards to orientation.


Anyone who could shine some light on this for me would be much appreciated!...Thanks!

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Looking at the calendar for next September, I expect Oweek will start on August 27th - it's 2 weeks long because there's one week prior to school starting and then evening activities organized through the first week of class ending with a formal on that weekend. There is a cost associated with it - but honestly I can't remember what it was in 2010 or 2011.


OWeek is student run by the class of 2015. They should contact you in the summer at some point. If the social coordinator is on the ball she should be on here in not too long. Also, join the 2016 FB group - I'm sure there will be information posted at some point.


Everything is optional during the week, but there's usually something during the day, some relax/unpack time, and then something going on at night. Some activities from the past 2 years were a booze cruise, ropes course, scavenger hunt, Med Olympics, water park, toga night, health tour of Ottawa, bike/walking tour, etc. You're organized into different groups (English and French streams together) alphabetically, matched with frosh leaders from 2015, and given a group name associated with a specialty based on whatever theme they pick. E.g. last year it was music - so KISS/ortho was one group.


That's the basics!


Hi Everyone,


Registration is on September 4th, and so when does orientation "week" occur? Does it occur during the first couple weeks of classes (assuming that what I have heard is true and orientation week is 2 weeks long)? Or does it start a few weeks before the 4th?


Also, is orientation "week" also student run? And if so, can anyone tell us what's involved or when we will be contacted about it?


So for the many questions I just don't know what to expect in regards to orientation.


Anyone who could shine some light on this for me would be much appreciated!...Thanks!

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