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u of t prerequisites

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Anyone know if exercise physiology can be used as a perquisite to satisfy the u of t 1 full credit or 2 half credit physiology requirement? I was a bridging student from college and my university let me skip 2 full years of university when I completed a summer bridging term where I took a human physiology course along with human anatomy with some other courses. However, my human physiology course was a combination of the first and second year human physiology 1 & 2 course but was only worth half a credit even though we completed all the material from the regular human physiology 1 & 2 course. I also completed an exercise physiology course at my school and I was wondering if I can use that since I am missing half a credit in physiology.


I haven't received a response back from u of t yet and I'm a bit worried now. My career placement advisor who runs the physiotherapy info sessions listed exercise physiology as being accepted however when I went to the u of t prerequisite page where approved physiology courses were accepted, I did not see exercise physiology listed for any of the universities. I think I got screwed now because I took her advice.

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I would email u of t to make sure

and send them a course outline


Anyone know if exercise physiology can be used as a perquisite to satisfy the u of t 1 full credit or 2 half credit physiology requirement? I was a bridging student from college and my university let me skip 2 full years of university when I completed a summer bridging term where I took a human physiology course along with human anatomy with some other courses. However, my human physiology course was a combination of the first and second year human physiology 1 & 2 course but was only worth half a credit even though we completed all the material from the regular human physiology 1 & 2 course. I also completed an exercise physiology course at my school and I was wondering if I can use that since I am missing half a credit in physiology.


I haven't received a response back from u of t yet and I'm a bit worried now. My career placement advisor who runs the physiotherapy info sessions listed exercise physiology as being accepted however when I went to the u of t prerequisite page where approved physiology courses were accepted, I did not see exercise physiology listed for any of the universities. I think I got screwed now because I took her advice.

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I would email u of t to make sure

and send them a course outline


I used exercise physiology as part of my prerequisite. I had one half course in human phys and one half in exercise phys that I used. They would even accept my applied neurophysiology as well...just email them with courses you're wondering about. They have a list of what they'll accept from each school. hope this helps!

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I used exercise physiology as part of my prerequisite. I had one half course in human phys and one half in exercise phys that I used. They would even accept my applied neurophysiology as well...just email them with courses you're wondering about. They have a list of what they'll accept from each school. hope this helps!


Sounds like I overreacted then and do meet their prerequisite requirements but I will email them again to confirm.


Thanks alot.

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