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chief resident

Guest CaesarCornelius

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Guest DrSahsi

Every service has at least one chief resident. Some have one chief resident for the city, but for the most part there's one at any given time assigned to each site (ie: hospital).


Some programs are small, and as such there are few residents in each year. If there's a program with three residents in each year, each may be asked to do a four-month stint as Chief as a senior. Bigger programs make it easier to squeak through without assuming the role of Chiefdom.


- Rupinder

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Guest cracked30

Organizing the call schedule.


Knowing all the complex patients.


Organizing teaching and rounds for clerks and residents.


In surgery, cherry-picking all the good cases.

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Guest Ian Wong

Being the chief means adding in extra administrative work on top of all your regular clinical duties. As previously mentioned, this may mean taking responsibility for setting up call schedules, juggling every one else's vacation demands, setting up teaching sessions, and essentially acting as the closest liaison between the other residents and the staff.


In some services (all this is highly program, city, and discipline-specific, so it's impossible to generalize), each senior resident may take turns at being the chief resident, or there may only be one chief resident. The chief might be assigned or might be nominated by either the other residents or the staff. In other words, there can be one or more chief residents, and they are selected to that position in any number of ways.


Being the chief resident can help you out with fellowship applications as an extra bit of buffing on your resume, and it's supposed to give you more experience on the admin side of things. Still, a lot of senior residents want nothing to do with being chief resident; it's a lot of extra work.



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