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Several questions

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Q1: AMCAS requires you to put down the high school you went to. What should you do if you went to more than 1 high schools? Do you put down the one you graduated from?


Q2: I never took a course outside of my own university, but I am planning to do so in the upcoming fourth year. Should I report this on my current AMCAS application?


Q2: During my first year, I got in trouble in my chem class and had a record for a year. For AMCAS there is an "institutional action" section, which I would have to write something down there. Will this affect my chances for getting interviewed a lot? Or would they put all the applicants who checked "yes" for instutional action in another pile?

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1) Yes


2) Yes, mark it as future


3) If it is on your academic record, they will find out about it sooner or later so you want to be upfront. Secondaries will always have a place for you to explain the record or you can mention it in your PS.


If it is not on your record anywhere, I would not bother with listing it.


I would personally email (anonymously) a couple schools you plan on applying to regarding this issue and ask them how you should proceed.

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