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confusing decision

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Hi im currently in UOIT taking Orgo I, while simultaneously taking Inorganic chem II, i failed my 1st midterm for orgo, and didnt do so well for midterm 2. The reaoson i just didnt study. My final is next week and i literally woukd have to crank up 8hrs a day / subject to ace both finals just so I can get a B- - B+. If i get 95% or higher in orgo, there is a chance i get an A-. With Gen chem i need an 80-85 to get an A.


The point being Im trying to transfer out of UOIT by this year to perhaps york or ryerson or any other university that would take me essentially cuz my commute is 4hrs (total) to UOIT.


I heard that york chem is retardly difficult, and orgo in other university isnt a stroll in the park either.


My question thatn is what should i do? I dont have alot of time left, and if I drop orgo I can atleast destroy Chem. In the same notion if I drop Orgo for a potential B+, and take it say york and get the same grade well that just meant I wasted time and resources for nothing.


Any suggestions.


My GPA is horrendously low because I failed physics I and decided that studying wasnt so "cool" until last semester (GPA= 3.5 this past year)

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If I were you, I would just drop one of the courses (preferably the one I'm doing bad in) and just retake it again in either the same school or if you plan on switching, that school.

But isn't it too late to drop? Or are you planning on Late-Withdrawing?


And, word of advice, don't play that "If I get 95% or higher, I'll get this grade". Speaking from experience, that almost always goes NOTHING as planned.

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If I were you, I would just drop one of the courses (preferably the one I'm doing bad in) and just retake it again in either the same school or if you plan on switching, that school.

But isn't it too late to drop? Or are you planning on Late-Withdrawing?


And, word of advice, don't play that "If I get 95% or higher, I'll get this grade". Speaking from experience, that almost always goes NOTHING as planned.


I could not agree with that statement any more.

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