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3.5 GPA with pretty solid ECs and refs...where do I have a shot?

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Hi everyone,


I'm currently at McGill with a 3.5 gpa and want to apply to MD schools in the US and Canada. Yes, my GPA looks like crap, but I have some weird accomplishments that may (or may not...?) stand out.



-Québec resident

-Non URM

-Don't need financial aid


Academics (The Saga...):

-Theatre minor and social studies of medicine minor

-I never got anything under a B-. My grades are mostly A's and A- with a few B+/Bs and two B- in four-credit courses that brought it down.

-All my semesters were great (3.8ish) except one crappy semester where I had a semester GPA of 3.17 (I'd taken 7 courses in one semester. They were: organic 2, org 2 lab, biochem, physiology, physiology lab, an intense performance class, and medical sociology (my only A that sem)). I was also taking an opera course at the McGill conservatory (I'm a singer too). I don't know how I came out alive but I did. I got an A, 4 B's, a B+, and a B-. There was clearly something wrong with my brain when I chose to take those classes.

-Then I made another stupid decision - take genetics in summer school because it's better then! And then I got the worst final exam schedule of my life for my Semester from Hell - I had an exam on the Last Day of Exams!! And then two days later my summer school began! And I was taking an MCAT course. I ended up with a B+ in that class. Why did I make these decisions? Bad advice from my advisor. He told me I needed 30 credits in a year and only had 13 my 1st semester... turned out the 30/yr doesn't apply to first-years, who are expected to carry a lighter load. Also, I didn't need 30 credits per year because...

-I took 2 classes at Harvard Summer School when I was in CEGEP and got A- in both of them. My credit request came back positive... 6 months after I filed it, AFTER I finished my crazy semester (I could have postponed one or two of those classes and still graduated on time). Oh well, you live and you learn.



- Currently taking an MCAT course. Sacrificed the opportunity to go to Peru on a medical trip so that I could study my butt off for MCAT and work on my US apps. Taking an MCAT course this summer (took one last year but realized I wasn't ready for the MCAT because I was taking genetics at the same time and was behind in MCAT).

I expect a score in the low-30s and a reasonable verbal score since I'm an experienced writer.



-I have some weird accomplishments.

-For example, I wrote a musical (as in, the entire musical including the music) and it was performed in front of 1000 people and landed me in the Gazette. It's on youtube if you're curious:

Oh, and it made fun of stressed-out premeds :P

-Took one of the hardest programs of study at McGill (Physiology major)

-Worked in a slum last August in Peru with Patch Adams. Blended my performing arts and clinical experience :o)

-I've been published in a few major exclusive undergrad journals.

-Refs will be good, I have developed a wonderful friendship with a physiology professor of mine (who is the cat's pajamas - she's a poet who writes funny poems about physiology and recites them to the class!) I did an undergraduate research project for a semester and kicked butt on it, my PI said it was the best undergraduate project he'd ever seen. Unfortunately I couldn't continue to work with him the following semester because....

- I studied abroad in Singapore! And it was awesome!

- I've been volunteering at the same hospital (in a clinical setting with doctors always coming and going and showing me things!) for four years and they love me there.

- I have oodles of shadowing experience. In Singapore, I even shadowed a surgeon for 2 weeks every day!

-This list goes onandonandon....


Oh, and I'm really passionate about medicine. Can you tell? ;)



1) How screwed am I?

2) What schools should I apply to that will give my app the time of day?

3) Any additional advice?


I would appreciate any help the wonderful people on this thread could provide.

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I think I'm going to attach a separate letter where I candidly discuss the mistakes I've made, and why even though they lowered my GPA, I do not regret them.


(i.e. took 7 courses --> learned my limits, and that I don't take class for the gpa, I take classes because I'm curious about the subject matter.)

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I think I'm going to attach a separate letter where I candidly discuss the mistakes I've made, and why even though they lowered my GPA, I do not regret them.


(i.e. took 7 courses --> learned my limits, and that I don't take class for the gpa, I take classes because I'm curious about the subject matter.)


There is no so place to "attach a separate letter".

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I think you have to mention your low GPA in the personal statement.


Not entirely necessary, as many on SDN, including adcoms, will argue that you should only mention your grade fluctuations in your essay if you can twist it in a positive tone, which 1. might be difficult, and 2. might easily derail your essay flow.

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