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Hi everyone!


I've been a long time creeper and I've finally mustered up the courage to make a "chances" post to get a dose of reality.


Here's the thing I did my BSc over six years. Long story, but I switched from the life science route to physical science (put me behind one year) and then I did an "extra year" (You'd think I'd be excited to finish, right? lol). I've always been considered full-time, but my workload/term has ranged from 3-5 classes throughout the years. I don’t know how much this will hurt my application....


My stats:

IP, BSc Chemistry

Overall: ~88% (82%, 87%, 91%, 87%, 90%, 93%)

Pre-req: ~87%

MCAT: I will be writing in July, but I've been scoring in the 33-35 range on my practice tests

ECs: I'd say they are average


Thanks in advance!

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I'm afraid that the fact that I took 6 years vs 4 years will hurt my application. Yes, my gpa is good, but I've also taken more classes than the average applicant (I would assume). Also, I haven't maintained a full workload each term...

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I'm afraid that the fact that I took 6 years vs 4 years will hurt my application. Yes, my gpa is good, but I've also taken more classes than the average applicant (I would assume). Also, I haven't maintained a full workload each term...


I dont think the fact that you took 6 years will have an effect pre interview. So you have a good shot at getting interview and after that interview is too big of a factor to base things without it. GL :)

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Is it possible to still get rejected even if you have an above average interview score?


Yes, it didn't appear to happen before but this year a few people on this forum got rejected with above average interview scores. Apparently they changed the post interview weighting this year. Before if your interview rocked your TFR score was high enough. I think a combination of the new academic scaling and changes in post interview weighting have made it a lot more likely to happen if your GPA and mcat scores were too low. Look into that report by CBC but who knows if that is acurate. However, if you have a an average greater than 86 and an mcat greater than 30 I doubt ou would get rejected with an above average interview.

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