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Applying in third year

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I'm sorry because I know I've seen this topic addressed before on the boards, but I've been unable to find any using the search tool! If anyone knows of similar threads, I would appreciate redirection to them :)



I'm just wondering which med schools in Canada accept applications in the student's third year of their Bachelor's degree (I will applying at the beginning of my third year). I know that McMaster offers conditional acceptances to those who will be finished their third year by the time they start medicine at McMaster, unless I'm misunderstanding the website, but are there any other schools as well? I just spent almost an hour scouring three school websites but thought asking you guys might yield faster results :P Thanks very much!

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I'm sorry because I know I've seen this topic addressed before on the boards, but I've been unable to find any using the search tool! If anyone knows of similar threads, I would appreciate redirection to them :)



I'm just wondering which med schools in Canada accept applications in the student's third year of their Bachelor's degree (I will applying at the beginning of my third year). I know that McMaster offers conditional acceptances to those who will be finished their third year by the time they start medicine at McMaster, unless I'm misunderstanding the website, but are there any other schools as well? I just spent almost an hour scouring three school websites but thought asking you guys might yield faster results :P Thanks very much!


Queen's, Mac, Ottawa, Calgary, Toronto, Alberta, Sask, Manitoba, UBC accept third years*. Western, Dal, MUN, and NOSM require a bachelors at the time of admission.


I am not familiar with the requirements for Quebec schools, but I believe some of them do accept third years.


Worth noting that Calgary, Alberta and Sask all accept people out of second year, though it is hard to get in that way and they accept very few.

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I am not familiar with the requirements for Quebec schools, but I believe some of them do accept third years.


Sherbrooke. Laval if doing undergrad @ Laval. Of course, you need to be from Quebec or from a province that has an entente with Quebec as relating to French speakers.

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Sherbrooke. Laval if doing undergrad @ Laval. Of course, you need to be from Quebec or from a province that has an entente with Quebec as relating to French speakers.


So if you're not from, say, New Brunswick, or Francophone from another province with an agreement, you need a bachelors to apply to McGill, UdeM, or Laval (if you aren't attending there?)

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No, worse than that. Other than McGill (where you cannot apply as a 3rd yr student, it is virtually impossible to apply.




They speak of students from Maritimes and Ontario period for Canada and then, they speak of international students


And for Sherbrooke, they take 80% of the class from Cegep (college) and only 20% from university. No doubt they will consider students from the Maritimes who are French speaking and I seriously doubt that there would be even one spot for a student from the West.





No. 15 Q

I am a Canadian citizen but not resident in Quebec, am I admissable to the medicine program at Univ of Montreal?



Yes, you are admissable in two categories. If you are entitled to the conditions of the entente between the govt of Quebec and and the governments of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island or if you have qualified as a francophone candidate resding in a Canadian province where medical studies are not offered in French. Please tsake note that the faculty actually makes available 3 places in the first category and one place in the second category.



You have zero chance to obtain a seat in UDEM medical school even with a 4.0 GPA b/c you are not a francophone living in another province!

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Applying in 3rd year is an excellent idea that goes byond hoping for an early acceptance. It gives you a dry run and familiarity with the detailed application process, preparing you well for the real deal next year.


Also, it is essential for a 3rd yr applicant to understand that the chances of acceptance are virtually nil, and that the purpose is to prepare you for next year. This attitude must remain should you receive an interview or two. And you need to approach the interview with no hope, in the belief this is a trial run! You should feel no presssure whatsoever and do your best. Occasionally, 3rd yr applicants receive happy surprises :P but don't count on it. Of course, going through an interview is invaluable experience.

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Applying in 3rd year is an excellent idea that goes byond hoping for an early acceptance. It gives you a dry run and familiarity with the detailed application process, preparing you well for the real deal next year.


Also, it is essential for a 3rd yr applicant to understand that the chances of acceptance are virtually nil, and that the purpose is to prepare you for next year. This attitude must remain should you receive an interview or two. And you need to approach the interview with no hope, in the belief this is a trial run! You should feel no presssure whatsoever and do your best. Occasionally, 3rd yr applicants receive happy surprises :P but don't count on it. Of course, going through an interview is invaluable experience.


I wouldn't say the chances of acceptance are virtually nil. I think Mac takes quite a few (25-ish, I believe), and UBC, as Cerena mentioned, is taking more in recent years.


Acceptance as a second year applicant is very unlikely, it seems. I think between Alberta and Calgary, they take around 10, so it is very uncommon to get in as a second year. But even from these forums, a significant number of third years do get in. It's less likely, sure, but it doesn't seem as unlikely as you have painted it.


I would venture that non-trads are probably at an advantage in applying as third years, what with having more life experience.

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Thanks very much, everybody! Your replies have helped out a lot :) I'm going into it knowing there is little chance of actually being accepted my first time, but certainly it's a good practice run (although I'll make everything in the app as good as I can make it at that time, and not treat the effort that goes into it as if it was just a practice run), and last year Mac did accept 129 people who were not finished their degree, out of roughly 200 people accepted, so that seems to show that it's possible! I'm not going to hold out hope of getting in with my degree only partly over, but I'll definitely try. Hey, what's the harm? :)

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