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Clinical Trials

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Has anyone here participated in conducting clinical trials/research during their undergrad? I've heard there are programs/organizations that take student volunteers to help out with sample collection and such, but I don't know of any specifically :( What would be the best way to find a position like that at the TOH/CHEO/Heart Institute?


Thanks in advance!

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Those institutions actually offer a lot of opportunities. While finding a job in which you get to participate in collecting data/samples for a clinical trial may be rare, there is a wide range of opportunities from basic science (wet lab) to clinical research.

My advice is just be bold. Use their sites to find out which people are involved in research and email researchers. Be polite, respectful and convincing in your email. If in your email, you can show them a bit about yourself and they like what they see, they'll probably give you a shot.

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