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Chances of getting an interview/accepted?

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Hello all,


I'm wondering if anyone's had the experience of getting accepted with a lower GPA and higher VR to make up for it. I am going into my 5th year of "undergrad" (I'm doing a professional degree), and my GPA is approx. 3.2. Is that an absolute bar to getting an interview or an acceptance?


Your input is appreciated.

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GPA accounts for 1/3 of what they look at for interview, 3.2 is on the very low end, maybe in the bottom 10 or 20 percentile since most applicants have over 3.5 at least. You would need to have a very good VR (like 14 or 15) to be in the 90th percentile there to balance out the GPA and make you equal to the average applicant when combining those two. If you can do that and absolutely nail Casper then you should be good for an interview. Im just basing this on their 32/32/32 weighting.

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GPA accounts for 1/3 of what they look at for interview, 3.2 is on the very low end, maybe in the bottom 10 or 20 percentile since most applicants have over 3.5 at least. You would need to have a very good VR (like 14 or 15) to be in the 90th percentile there to balance out the GPA and make you equal to the average applicant when combining those two. If you can do that and absolutely nail Casper then you should be good for an interview. Im just basing this on their 32/32/32 weighting.


I applaud your reasoning; excellent! I have a similar answer but with a slight tweak. Just conjecture of course.


Personally... I would say that VR = 12 is already 90th%ile in applicant. The problem is that being "average" for the 64% is probably not good enough to be in the top 15% despite doing well on CASPer.


You'd probably need a combination of both a very high VR and a very high CASPer to qualify. Something like VR = 14/15.


Essentially, same answer as above.


I'm curious - why are you applying with a 3.2 GPA?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello all,


I'm wondering if anyone's had the experience of getting accepted with a lower GPA and higher VR to make up for it. I am going into my 5th year of "undergrad" (I'm doing a professional degree), and my GPA is approx. 3.2. Is that an absolute bar to getting an interview or an acceptance?


Your input is appreciated.


You'll never know unless you try! As long as you rank high on CASPER, you def have a chance. G'luck

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