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Application Question

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Based on that statement, it means they take the annual GPA. Think about it. If you are short 2 courses and they have to go back to a previous year, which 2 courses should they use from say 10 courses in that year? They avoid that by taking the annual GPA of that year.

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Hello! So if courses had to be taken from Year 2, would the WHOLE year grade be calculated (Both Fall and Winter?) or just Winter, to add up to 20?


It clearly says it in the quote.


"Thus, where grades must be extracted from a year to achieve the equivalent of 20 half courses, the average of that entire year (including both the fall and winter terms) will be used."

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In order to get 20 courses (2 years) in to look at your credits, they now have to look into your second year. They need to look at 3 courses in order to make the 20 course mark.


They are going to take the average of your entire year - let's say it was 3.32 for both of your semesters. They are now going to take that 3.32, and treat is as if you received 3.32 for 3 separate courses (or maybe just 3.3 if they round down) in order to make up for the 3 course deficit they need to calculate your marks.


100% accurate information :)

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