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Chances of Getting Accepted

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Hi everyone,


Hopefully someone can shed some light on my chances of getting into medical school. Currently I hold a B.Sc in Biology and another B.Sc in Neuroscience within 5 years of university. My GPA my first two years of university was not very impressive. However, my 3rd, 4th, and 5th years show great improvement. My last 2 year GPA (if applying to Queen's Medical University) is a 3.73 (3.75 4th year, and 3.68 5th year). Overall CGPA is 3.10 because of low 1st and 2nd year marks. Marks do show major improvements in an upwards trend. I plan on writing my MCATs and am scoring a consistent 34-36R on practice tests. Do I have a shot at getting in? Or should I do a third undergrad degree in a year to bring up my GPA further, or apply to do a masters. Any thoughts??

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