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Chances of getting in?

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I'm not an Ontario resident but am applying to McMaster and NOSM (grew up in a rural part of Canada until age 10). Here are my stats:


-GPA: 3.6 (BSc), 3.9 (MSc)

-MCAT: 6 VR :/

-4 years of solid research experience in a number of health related fields

-lot's of ECs, work, and volunteer experience: ranging from community centres, hospitals, day camps, an HIV/AIDS community centre, danced for 15 years, etc.


..what are my chances?



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Since McMaster doesn't really consider your extra-curricular activities, combined with the fact that you're an OOP applicant, I would think that your chances would be slim-to-none. Just my two cents though, perhaps you could make up enough ground on CASPER.

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Considering that your cgpa a bit on the lower side and your verbal probably falls in the bottom 10 percentile of applicants, I would say that McMaster is not a very good option for you. MAYBE if you get like a perfect score on casper you might have an outside shot, but chances are low imo :( .


Also, as the poster above mentioned, I don't think ECs are considered at all pre-interview at McMaster.

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I think for NOSM they care about the "northern ontario part" a lot more than "rural". Plus they look at your high school location, which probably has to be rural. You might want to check up on that. For Mcmaster your chances would be very slim since you're competing for the very limited OOP spots with 1000 other people, almost all having better verbal scores and most with a better GPA. I think a verbal of 6 is probably in the bottom 5%, maybe even less.

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I would say its not possible just because your gpa is 3.6 which is bellow the 3.75 mean gpa. Next your verbal is really bad no offense , the mean is 10.5. Your masters only adds 2% to the pre-interview calculation. Your best bet would be to redo mcat and get a 12-14 verbal to balance your gpa and do decent on casper then you have a chance of getting an interview. But for this year there is zero chance.

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