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Hi guys.


I was just wondering how long you have to be involved in your

extracurricular activities to have a competitive application.


I'll be graduating high school this year, and I've been involved in some ecs, but only for short periods of time.


Thanks in advance :)

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You want to be involved in ECs long enough to show dedication and get something out of it in terms of growth and development. Do only whatever you enjoy. Help the vulnerable, be it as younger student, an elderly neighbour, someone with a disability. It need not be an organized activity.


For next year when starting undergrad, the most important thing you can bring with you is a strong work ethic. Start now while in h.s.


See the post below in my signature. :P

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Thank you for the reply everyone! The answers were helpful.


Although, I'm still curious about how the med school would verify that I did

actually do the activities.


I know that you must include the name of the verifier on the application, but

if I wasn't involved in an organized activity, how can they verify it? Also, if

what if my activity is just a hobby? I won't have anyone to confirm :(

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