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Bad first year, need advice


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Hello all,

Basically, I had a really tough first year due to problems with family, friends, and dealing with heartbreak. I was really depressed about life and just gave up on school. I didn't fail any courses though.. just did miserable in most of them. My first year average is around a 60, and that put me onto program probation for second year. I am now entering second year and I want to pursue med school but I feel like it's pointless since my first year was so bad.


I am also planning on taking organic chemistry 1 and 2 during the year but I did really bad in first year chemistry & I'm just worried I'm going to fail and get kicked out of school.


What do I do? Do I still have a chance ? And what do you recommend about the orgos? Should I just man up and take them during the year or wait and take in summer of second or third year.


Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I would really appreciate some advice.



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Hello all,

Basically, I had a really tough first year due to problems with family, friends, and dealing with heartbreak. I was really depressed about life and just gave up on school. I didn't fail any courses though.. just did miserable in most of them. My first year average is around a 60, and that put me onto program probation for second year. I am now entering second year and I want to pursue med school but I feel like it's pointless since my first year was so bad.


I am also planning on taking organic chemistry 1 and 2 during the year but I did really bad in first year chemistry & I'm just worried I'm going to fail and get kicked out of school.


What do I do? Do I still have a chance ? And what do you recommend about the orgos? Should I just man up and take them during the year or wait and take in summer of second or third year.


Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I would really appreciate some advice.




You may not even have to do an extra year at all; schools like UWO/Queens take your most recent 2 years or your 2 best years, which would (theoretically) be your Year 2 and Year 3. Ottawa weighs your later years more heavily, so Ottawa may still be an option (although you'd have to work super hard for your next few years as the GPA cutoff for Ottawa is very high if you are not from the Ottawa region). McMaster however is going to be a long shot; they use your cGPA.


Keep your chin up, work hard to improve your grades, and don't give up. Lots of us have had bad years here and there and they still got in :)

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