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Supplemental information

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I have a few questions regarding if and where a few things belong in the supplemental information.


Should I include my honors thesis? Since it's school work there isn't really a spot for it but I spent at least 25 hours a week in the lab and participated at a couple conferences that aren't part of the thesis program. How would you guys list this? Thesis in extracurricular and conferences in awards and accomplishments?


What about things like coaching? I wasn't paid so I assume it counts as volunteering?


Do they reorder your entries if they feel it should be in a different category?

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no they don't re-order the listings. I had to physically move everything down myself.


If you went to a conference, put that as an achievement ONLY if you actually presented there. I put my presentation in a conference in medical related as I presented on medically relevant research.


As for thesis project... I included that in the details for my volunteering experience in one of the labs i worked at while undergrad. I simply wrote down:


Neuroscience lab assistant / volunteer


and details: blah blah thesis course, blah blah, NSERC, attended conferences, contributions recognized on paper (PMXXXXX).

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This is a little off topic but for the supplemental information, they ask for activities from the past 5 years. Does this mean that I can't include other activities that I have done earlier in my essay?


I am done writing my essay and I am now worried that I will have to change it completely if that is the case :confused:

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This is a little off topic but for the supplemental information, they ask for activities from the past 5 years. Does this mean that I can't include other activities that I have done earlier in my essay?


I am done writing my essay and I am now worried that I will have to change it completely if that is the case :confused:


Related question, there are some activities that I started when I was 14 (6-7 years ago) and have continued up until now, can I list the start date as more than 5 years ago? Or can I only get credit for having been involved in them for the past 5 years?

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