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Is it worth doing the carving at all?

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For the residents of Ontario, it seems that the only schools that are totally open to them do not require manual dexterity test.


As far as I know, McGill, UofT and UWO, don't discriminate against nonlocal residents, and they also do not require carving. Why would I do carving for the other schools who only take ~10% nonresidents, right?

Also, if I want to apply to U.S. they don't look at the carving, so carving seems dispensable.


Please give me your opinions my friends. ;)

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true..if your gpa isnt 3.9+, in which case your chances of getting in at an oop school have already become low, then there really isnt a point in doing carving if you're also interested in applying to US as a backup. this is because US schools can and will scrutinize you if you have a poor carving score regardless of the fact that they dont actually require carving. better to stay safe and pull in high 20s in the DAT without carving and have great chances with US schools and only be slightly affected with the Canadian application (in the sense that those oop schools wont consider your apps)


this is all subjective off course..if you're great at carving and have already practiced it, might as well give it.

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there are also way more people applying to those schools


never limit your options in my opinion but its your choice


other schools arent that hard to get into as long as you have a good DAT too. if you have a good enough GPA to get into those schools you will have a good enough GPA to get into OOP schools too. just afterwards you will need to have a near perfect interview in both UWO and U of T.


more interviews=mroe chances of getting in

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Thank you guys.

Can you please tell me what OOP means? (It would be cool to have a sticky with all the acronyms you guys use!)

Also, since I'm in my 4th year now and I have to study hard to keep my gpa around 3.81, I don't want to delve into carving since I prefer spending time doing PAT and sciences. But I understand what you mean in terms of the chances of getting into other schools. btw I saw some online videos on carving, do you think watching them and practicing a few times would be enough? I know it depends, but think of me as an average person with some potential :P

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Thank you guys.

Can you please tell me what OOP means? (It would be cool to have a sticky with all the acronyms you guys use!)

Also, since I'm in my 4th year now and I have to study hard to keep my gpa around 3.81, I don't want to delve into carving since I prefer spending time doing PAT and sciences. But I understand what you mean in terms of the chances of getting into other schools. btw I saw some online videos on carving, do you think watching them and practicing a few times would be enough? I know it depends, but think of me as an average person with some potential :P


OOP = Out Of Province

IP = In Province


The real question is why the hell they still have carving as part of DAT (although optional) when most schools don't even look at it.


There is always the chance that you'll break the soap :P so I don't think watching carving would benefit you much since it's a practical skill. But practicing will definitely be beneficial.


btw, You might want to pull up your 3.81 to at least a 3.85, specially if you are applying to UWO because they use percentages (and their letter to percentage grade conversion for York will definitely make you less competitive if you're getting mostly As (A = 84.5 (probably rounded to 85), A+ = 95). If you take a look at the accepted/rejected thread, a lot of people have 88+ averages (most in 90s).

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Can someone please confirm what Donnadee said about U.S. schools:


"US schools can and will scrutinize you if you have a poor carving score regardless of the fact that they dont actually require carving"

is this true? (Just want to hear another person's opinion, but I'm already very thankful for this info. Donnadee)


Thanks for the advice legion, I didn't know that even 3.8 is not enough! what a society! people have to fight for decimals... that make no sense :D

As you know Legion, it's a too difficult to get A+'s at York but I will try :)

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hey oliver86, sure, it helps to hear from others who have experienced it as well.

just to further clarify what i said, and then maybe others can chime in, not all US schools will scrutinize a poor carving score..some look at it while others ignore it but not many will explicitly tell you whether they will look at carving or not as every score, once on the app, becomes fair game..if you search back to old threads, you maybe able to get an idea of past applicants to US schools and whether carving affected their applications..usually, if you are strong in others aspects of your application for US (e.g. your gpa for US is already competitive, and if you're able to get high 20s in other parts of DAT, and get the necessary shadowing experience) you will have good chances even with a low carving score...when i was applying i remember seeing people get in a US school with as low as 8-10 on carving..

however, i also recall, maybe on this forum or another forum of premeds/predents for US students (SDN),that some Canadian applicants talked about how their low carving score came up as a point of discussion in the interview at some US school..cant recall which school though

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