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FRENCH: Take a lower level for higher GPA or take the right level and actually learn?


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The 2 French courses offered at my uni have a HUGE gap between them...one is too easy for me and one is a bit more challenging. I like French but am worried about the amount of time I'm gonna put into this course...Should I take the easy one to raise my GPA (and be bored to death...not to mention pretend to be dumb) or take the one that's a bit challenging and will require a lot more effort (and actually learn something...second language?) They're both full year courses..

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Will they actually let you take the easier one? Is there not a language placement test to see what class you belong in? Yes, people do "cheat" on those to get an easier course, but I'm told that, with language courses, if they find out you took a class that was much too easy for your ability they can take away the credit or give you a failure. Of course, that depends upon which university you attend. So definitely check into your university's language course policies to make sure you don't get burned if you take the "easy" course.

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