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Countdown to Interview Invites 2012

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Was looking at the last year countdown thread and the invites were sent out via e-mail on the 21st of October at 2PM Eastern.


Dalhousie's page states that it will be in October, but no exact date released yet. Nevertheless, it's only about ~5-8 days away.


Edit: The invites will be sent out near the mid end of October as Cherbear posted.

In the past it's been close to the end of October. Last year it was the 21st, year before that it was the 18th, so it's safe to assume that it would be around that time again this year. The year before that, interviews were in February so there are not a lot of data points yet.


Please follow the following format when posting your interview invite:


Time stamp (xx:xxAM/PM)

OOP or IP (if IP, which province and which campus?)



Current status (Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate?, which year if applicable)



These stats will be used for future number crunching/compilation so please do adhere to the above format. Most importantly, good luck!

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Maybe we can get something going with as many applicants as possible listing stats, residency status, extra curricular's so we can get an idea of who's applying and what the class of 2017 might look like! we can also list how we feel about everything and how we feel about the interview upcoming, what we are doing to prepare and how we felt about it after. This is the one school it would really be great to get into for my situation.

and where else we may be applying...

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What is listed on the website is the number of eligible applicants, meaning those that meet the academic requirements etc.. the 900 applicants might be the number before admissions have even looked at the applications. I know it seems weird that people would apply without meeting the minimums but it does happen. I could be wrong but such an increase in applicants seems unlikely.

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What is listed on the website is the number of eligible applicants, meaning those that meet the academic requirements etc.. the 900 applicants might be the number before admissions have even looked at the applications. I know it seems weird that people would apply without meeting the minimums but it does happen. I could be wrong but such an increase in applicants seems unlikely.


where 9what page0 do you see the number of applicants - 900?

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I received an email from admissions because I hadn't submitted my application until the week it was due. In the email it said they only received so many applications out of 937. So if you had submitted it early you probably didn't get the email. On the admissions page under class profile - says for the class of 2015 they had 600 something applicants. But that was 2 cycles ago so last year might have been more.

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I received an email from admissions because I hadn't submitted my application until the week it was due. In the email it said they only received so many applications out of 937. So if you had submitted it early you probably didn't get the email. On the admissions page under class profile - says for the class of 2015 they had 600 something applicants. But that was 2 cycles ago so last year might have been more.


All correct. I know a few people though who started applications, received their MCAT scores, and decided not to finish them because they were either below cut-off or not competitive enough to warrant the time and money. So I'm sure there are other situations like that!


I'm IP (Nova Scotia my whole life)

GPA (to nearest tenth): 4.00 in BScH Chemistry



ECs primarily based around boxing throughout atlantic and central canada over the past 7 years, 4 years of 5ish hours per week with disabled youth (10-20yrs old), a little bit of time doing patient care in the hospital (recent, under 75 total hours atm), and some other things, relay for life committee, junior varsity basketball, volunteer tutor, etc. Also, started coaching boxing this year.


Haven't started preparing for interview yet though, waiting to get an invite first (also don't have much time between other applications and honours thesis writing).

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Thanks for the vote of confidence :) Best of luck to you as well!


Gametime, I think as IP we are guaranteed interviews? I am in Saint John, NB.

I was sure if you meet cut offs as a maritimer it is a guaranteed interview. I'm mostly worried about interview and getting in ASAP close to home as I have a family to support. I wish everyone who applies could go...or maybe not everyone... lol. You have great stats though!


My gpa was a 3.8 but fell to 3.7 this year due to massive workloads and 2 daughters. I never struggled though, mostly from one bad mark,it was a new course first time starting after some good research results somewhat like an intro to grad work advanced natural products, I did learn alot and put in lots of work but I was unaware of what was expected ( we never received any marking until our final grade)

31M- MCAT 11VR 9BS 11PS


anyway I have been a student researcher part -time in a molecular gen. lab 2 years in a row, this year doing an honors in that lab.

over this past summer did a USRA NSERC WATER grant.

during last school year tutored underprivileged high school kids (on average 1 day(couple hours) /wk sometimes 2 days)

during last school year mentored underprivileged middle school child (1 day /wk 1hour)

Medical first responder certification January 2012 volunteering with St. John ambulance since May providing aid (if needed) at local events and attending mandatory training meetings every couple weeks.

member of golden key society

lots of little scholarships as I come from low income.


I am more of a non trad. took a couple years off after high school, went to university, got married and had kids.

My life had a pretty rough path but I am finding my way and following my dream. In time and with faith.


Is there anyone with previous Dal interview experience? not sure if it is better to go in blind or expecting...

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Gametime, I think as IP we are guaranteed interviews? I am in Saint John, NB.

I was sure if you meet cut offs as a maritimer it is a guaranteed interview. I'm mostly worried about interview and getting in ASAP close to home as I have a family to support. I wish everyone who applies could go...or maybe not everyone... lol. You have great stats though!


Yeah you are guaranteed an interview if you are IP and meet the cut-offs; us OOPs, on the other hand, aren't so lucky.

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Yeah you are guaranteed an interview if you are IP and meet the cut-offs; us OOPs, on the other hand, aren't so lucky.


From Dals page under admissions- selections and decisions


{Approximately three hundred maritime and 60 non maritime applicants will be invited for an interview. The selection of applicants is based on the scores from the GPA, MCAT, supplementary information and the personal letter.


All Maritime applicants who meet the stated academic requirements will be invited for an interview.


Non maritime applicants will be selected based on the scores assigned to their GPA, MCAT, Supplemental Information as well as the Personal letter.}

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Recent HBSc graduate

Dal GPA: 3.80

MCAT: 32Q (11/11/10/Q)

Resume: 1st author submission, poster presentation, Heavy employment load throughout uni, business owner of an incorporate company, 3 year experience as clinical and research assistant at Sunnybrook Hospital. Competitive soccer player. Android software development. E-health EMR software project. Raised $20,000 for 3 projects (build a school in Afghanistan, a maternity ward in Kenya, and water/sewer system in Pikangikum Ontario). Sh*t loads of others.

Connections: Girlfriend of 4 years moved to Saint John with her fam last year and since we're trying to start a fam together, i was hoping she wouldn't have to move out of province since she still got little ones in the family and wouldn't want her to split from them. My siblings are already adults.


Although I believe my essay and EC's are strong, I'm not too confident if I'll get an invite as only ~60 OOP get an interview :(


With all honesty, I applied because I already paid the $70 fee lol. I would much rather have us live in Toronto, but can't win them all.

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Profile of the Class of 2015

Are you wondering who gets accepted into medical school? Here are the statistics for students who entered in 2011, and who will graduate in 2015


How Many Applicants?


Total Applicants: 656

Eligible Maritime applicants: 324

Eligible Non Maritime applicants: 332


Total Accepted Students: 112

Halifax Campus: 81

NB Campus: 31


Breakdown for the Class of 2015


31 students will be from NB

6 students will be from PEI

63 students will be from NS

9 students from outside the Maritimes <--WTF?!


1 MMTP (Military Supernumerary Seat)

1 Saudi (Supernumerary Seat)


Academic Stats


Average age is 25 years (age range 20-43)

MCAT average score = 30

GPA average score = 3.8

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Recent HBSc graduate

Dal GPA: 3.80

MCAT: 32Q (11/11/10/Q)

Resume: 1st author submission, poster presentation, Heavy employment load throughout uni, business owner of an incorporate company, 3 year experience as clinical and research assistant at Sunnybrook Hospital. Competitive soccer player. Android software development. E-health EMR software project. Raised $20,000 for 3 projects (build a school in Afghanistan, a maternity ward in Kenya, and water/sewer system in Pikangikum Ontario). Sh*t loads of others.

Connections: Girlfriend of 4 years moved to Saint John with her fam last year and since we're trying to start a fam together, i was hoping she wouldn't have to move out of province since she still got little ones in the family and wouldn't want her to split from them. My siblings are already adults.


Although I believe my essay and EC's are strong, I'm not too confident if I'll get an invite as only ~60 OOP get an interview :(


With all honesty, I applied because I already paid the $70 fee lol. I would much rather have us live in Toronto, but can't win them all.


First author sub. and you're a recent graduate? Impressive. So you're going to Dal for the girl? That's actually legit, bro. Is she studying there too, how can she help with your application?


Dal GPA: 3.80


and a bunch of EC's

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Yea, a paper on ALS and epigenetics. Well, it shows that I have a reason to stay in Sain John and not ditch the province after moving in. I don't mind settling there and starting a family. I think they want to see what commitments you have in Atlantic Canada.


She finished Architecture from UofT. She's looking for a job now.

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Recent HBSc graduate

Dal GPA: 3.80

MCAT: 32Q (11/11/10/Q)

Resume: 1st author submission, poster presentation, Heavy employment load throughout uni, business owner of an incorporate company, 3 year experience as clinical and research assistant at Sunnybrook Hospital. Competitive soccer player. Android software development. E-health EMR software project. Raised $20,000 for 3 projects (build a school in Afghanistan, a maternity ward in Kenya, and water/sewer system in Pikangikum Ontario). Sh*t loads of others.

Connections: Girlfriend of 4 years moved to Saint John with her fam last year and since we're trying to start a fam together, i was hoping she wouldn't have to move out of province since she still got little ones in the family and wouldn't want her to split from them. My siblings are already adults.


Although I believe my essay and EC's are strong, I'm not too confident if I'll get an invite as only ~60 OOP get an interview :(


With all honesty, I applied because I already paid the $70 fee lol. I would much rather have us live in Toronto, but can't win them all.


You sound great! Dal is very EC/research/clinical focused for applications, I'm sure you'll do great but I don't think you would be attending Saint John as I am sure it is only for NB residents ..and only like 30 ish spots for us. NS has a much bigger class as NB is an off shoot at UNBSJ. I understand her not wanting to move women are way more family oriented, my wife is going crazy waiting to hear where we will end up as she would also prefer to stay in SJ. I just care about getting in somewhere...lol

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