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Personal essays: repeat topic?

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I'm working on the personal mini-essays, and two of the questions (about making a difference and overcoming a difficulty) I think I can best answer by referring to the same activity: I think I really made a difference with the hospital volunteering I've been doing, but it took overcoming a pretty serious problem at the start to make it work. Is this overlap a problem, do you think? It is one of the more important things in my life right now, so maybe that's why it seems so salient; but I don't want it to come across as the only thing in my life.

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A personal essay should be an honest reflection of the real you. Your essay should be able to speak for your personality. This is why it is important for you to write your own personal essay. You can also talk about any skill or talent that you have excelled in the course of time and explain how these skills can play a role in achieving your goals. Firstly, write a good outline of your essay. Afterwards, start writing with an impressive introduction. Writing a personal essay demands you to be accurate with your grammar and spelling. Make sure that you have organized your essay properly.a best writing services will help you in your career.

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A personal essay should be an honest reflection of the real you. Your essay should be able to speak for your personality. This is why it is important for you to write your own personal essay. You can also talk about any skill or talent that you have excelled in the course of time and explain how these skills can play a role in achieving your goals. Firstly, write a good outline of your essay. Afterwards, start writing with an impressive introduction. Writing a personal essay demands you to be accurate with your grammar and spelling. Make sure that you have organized your essay properly.a best writing services will help you in your career.


Dude you're a month late. Stop spamming these forums with your business ads. Whomever hired you should realize you're slow.

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  • 9 months later...
A personal essay should be an honest reflection of the real you. Your essay should be able to speak for your personality. This is why it is important for you to write your own personal essay. You can also talk about any skill or talent that you have excelled in the course of time and explain how these skills can play a role in achieving your goals. Firstly, write a good outline of your essay. Afterwards, start writing with an impressive introduction. Writing a personal essay demands you to be accurate with your grammar and spelling. Make sure that you have organized your essay properly.a best writing services will help you in your career.


Scam alert here...Nice-sounding phrases that don't mean anything...just to sell a product.


Anyways, To answer the OP's question directly: I would advise you to use a variety of different activities when answering the brief personal essays because there's a good chance that the same person(s) will mark all of your personal mini-essays (not to be confused with the three brief statements which are evaluated along with the autobio sketch independently of the 4 brief personal essays).


P.S. You want to sound like you have the breadth/depth of experiences the AdCom is looking for. Make sure you answer all aspects of the essay questions asked, and seek input from others (someone you know and trust who has good English skills) before submitting! And realize that each brief personal essay is related to one of the Faculty's Mission and Values.

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