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From what I've gathered from past threads on the topic, if we have time in a research lab without a publication, we can't put it under research?


Here is my situation:


Summer of first year - 4 months full-time in lab (paid from profs grant, no NSERC, etc), ended up getting a publication during second year from the work I did in this position.


Academic year (second term) of second year - Worked part-time in the lab to synthesize precursors, etc for the upcoming summers work (no publication).


Summer of second year - 4 months full-time in lab (NSERC USRA), no publication from the work during this term, presented a poster at APICS (chemcon) during this term on the publication from the first summers work.


Summer of third year - 4 months full-time in lab for honours research (NSERC USRA), no publication at the moment, currently writing my thesis which we are hoping to submit a manuscript from later this year. Also presented a poster at APICS (chemcon) during this term outlining the project and giving background info, etc.


All in all, just over 2000 hours of time in the research lab, one publication, two conference presentations, two NSERCS, and an honours thesis.


Not sure exactly how to put all of this into OMSAS, but it has been a significant part of my undergrad so I would really like to get it all in there!


I'm thinking:


Summer of first year - Discussing the work experience, skills gained, etc in the employment section for full-time summer employment and listing the publication under research where I will describe what I did, the journal name, etc.


Academic year of second year - Listing work experience as employment and describing duties/responsibilities, etc.


Summer of second year - Putting the work experience under employment, discussing what I did, etc. Listing the NSERC under awards & accomplishments. Listing the poster under research where I will say the abstract was published in the conference book and discussing my role.


Summer of third year - Putting the work experience under employment, discussing what I did, etc. Listing the NSERC under awards & accomplishments. Listing the poster under research where I will say the abstract was published in the conference book and discussing my role.

*Should I mention this work experience was for my thesis research?


I think that is how it should go based on past threads, just seems kinda crappy that I don't have more entries under research for all the hours I spent in there!


Thoughts? Thanks guys!

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I'm pretty sure you are overly worrying, as long as the description fields make it clear, just use your best discretion. (someone please correct me if I'm mistaken!).


My own application is quite research heavy (various labs and pubs); last year I listed the lab work under employment and the pubs under research, however I decided to move everything to the research section this year (I put "Research Experience - lab name etc" under the description field for non pubs). I felt that it still leaves things quite clear, and I didn't want to group those with my other misc employment positions (non-academic).

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I think you have some flexibility. I put research experience under Employment (when I got paid), Volunteering (when I didn't) Research when I gave a presentation, and Awards (when I won an award for a poster).


If they're going to spend enough time looking at your sketch to fault you for the category under which it was placed, they're probably going to get the gist of what you've done either way.

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