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What I don't understand about IB/AP

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1. My university transferred IB credits for me (i.e. for higher level biology)

2. But, I had to take general biology course anyways (it's a second year, 2000 level course at my university called "intro to molecular biology") for my major



As you might infer, I didn't do as well in general biology in my university course, so to fulfill prerequisites


1) Can I select my transferred IB credits to fulfill the prereq's or do I have to use my university general biology grade?

2) My friend elected NOT to transfer IB credits but otherwise is in the same situation as me--can he select his non-transferred IB credits to fulfill prereq's or does he also have to use his university grade?

3) In general, could someone please clarify when/when (i.e. whether your IB grade was transferred by your undergraduate school, whether you took the general course anyways) you can choose your IB credits to fulfill prereq's?

4) And whether this rule is true for UBC or all other Canadian universities?



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1. My university transferred IB credits for me (i.e. for higher level biology)

2. But, I had to take general biology course anyways (it's a second year, 2000 level course at my university called "intro to molecular biology") for my major



As you might infer, I didn't do as well in general biology in my university course, so to fulfill prerequisites


1) Can I select my transferred IB credits to fulfill the prereq's or do I have to use my university general biology grade?

2) My friend elected NOT to transfer IB credits but otherwise is in the same situation as me--can he select his non-transferred IB credits to fulfill prereq's or does he also have to use his university grade?

3) In general, could someone please clarify when/when (i.e. whether your IB grade was transferred by your undergraduate school, whether you took the general course anyways) you can choose your IB credits to fulfill prereq's?

4) And whether this rule is true for UBC or all other Canadian universities?




i think if you have multiple courses that fulfill pre-req you can choose which ones to tick off as pre-reqs, as long as the subset you choose does in fact meet the pre-reqs. however, ask adcom to be sure

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1. My university transferred IB credits for me (i.e. for higher level biology)

2. But, I had to take general biology course anyways (it's a second year, 2000 level course at my university called "intro to molecular biology") for my major



As you might infer, I didn't do as well in general biology in my university course, so to fulfill prerequisites


1) Can I select my transferred IB credits to fulfill the prereq's or do I have to use my university general biology grade?

2) My friend elected NOT to transfer IB credits but otherwise is in the same situation as me--can he select his non-transferred IB credits to fulfill prereq's or does he also have to use his university grade?

3) In general, could someone please clarify when/when (i.e. whether your IB grade was transferred by your undergraduate school, whether you took the general course anyways) you can choose your IB credits to fulfill prereq's?

4) And whether this rule is true for UBC or all other Canadian universities?




See the two FAQs below, I think they answer your question.


Can I use my International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced Placement (AP) courses toward my prerequisites?


Yes, you may use AP and higher-level IB credits in Biology, Chemistry, and English as long as minimum grade requirements are met. While AP/IB courses may be used to fulfill prerequisite requirements, AP/IB grades are not included in the prerequisite average calculation.


Please note: AP and IB transcripts must be sent directly to the Admissions Office. We accept electronic copies of IB transcripts for exams taken after May 2004, but a paper IB transcript must be submitted for exams taken May 2004 and earlier. We accept paper AP transcripts only.


I have received AP or IB credit (and attained the minimum grades UBC requires) for prerequisite courses, but have also taken the actual courses themselves. Will these grades be included in the prerequisite average?


Yes, if you took the actual courses in your first year or second year (not in subsequent years) and have AP/IB credits, we will use the university grades.


I think the key here is: did you take the same course for which your university generally provides credits for based on IB? In your case, it looks like that you received credit for the first year course but also took the second year course. So, your poor biology grade should not factor into pre-requisite (it will in the overall GPA), at the same time you fulfill your biology pre-req with IB but no grade will be counted. You should select your IB as the pre-requisite.

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