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Kine 4010, 2049, 3020


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The courses are Exercise Physiology, Skilled Motor learning, and Research Methods respectively. All 3 of these courses come with a course kit, and no text books. I was wondering if you guys can give me some advice on how to get (A+) in all of them, apart from the obvious "Study", i have that down lol.


P.S: Exercise Physio has a supplementary text book that prof "highly recommends" even though he has already stated that all tested material will be from in-class lectures.


If anybody can just let me know how should i tackle these courses. Rote memo or just pay close attention in class and make good notes. How are the exams like? Thanks.

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I don't know what advice I can give you other than to study and attend the lectures. If you are the type of person that sits in class and either day-dreams or talks to friends, skip class and use that time to study. I have no info about exercise physiology but 3020 is a very interesting course. Labs require a bit of background in stats (ANOVA, t-Test, etc). They are pretty easy to do though. You should definitely attend lectures. I don't think there is a textbook (as far as I remember) so attending lectures and taking notes in your course kit would be a good idea. Research methods is also an easy course. :)

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I don't know what advice I can give you other than to study and attend the lectures. If you are the type of person that sits in class and either day-dreams or talks to friends, skip class and use that time to study. I have no info about exercise physiology but 3020 is a very interesting course. Labs require a bit of background in stats (ANOVA, t-Test, etc). They are pretty easy to do though. You should definitely attend lectures. I don't think there is a textbook (as far as I remember) so attending lectures and taking notes in your course kit would be a good idea. Research methods is also an easy course. :)


Yea 3020 and 2049 are pretty simple, its exercise physio that is a bit of a problem since it is a continued renderation of Human Physiology 2, and I took that 2 years ago, so majority of the concepts aren't as fresh as they used to be. Ill probably approach different references. Thanks.

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