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where to place research conference oral pres?

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Wondering where we are meant to place oral presentations (research) that have been presented at international level conferences. I ask because under the previous application, one of the drop-down options in the Publications section was "presentation" - however it appears that this has been removed.


Anyone else figure out a compromise? They talk a bunch about confusion surrounding where to put poster presentations, but there seems to be very little mention of oral presentations (international conference, published in conference proceedings).


Just select "abstract" from the publications drop down is my best guess?

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Wondering where we are meant to place oral presentations (research) that have been presented at international level conferences. I ask because under the previous application, one of the drop-down options in the Publications section was "presentation" - however it appears that this has been removed.


Anyone else figure out a compromise? They talk a bunch about confusion surrounding where to put poster presentations, but there seems to be very little mention of oral presentations (international conference, published in conference proceedings).


Just select "abstract" from the publications drop down is my best guess?


all presentations go into the Non-Academic section as explained by the help guide : D --> http://mdprogram.med.ubc.ca/files/2012/05/Help-Guide-placeholder.pdf

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I am really not positive about that - if you search through the help guide for "presentation" it quite clearly only refers to "poster presentations" going in the non-academic section. My presumption is that those would be poster presentations which you are NOT author or co-author on? (as the guide says those should go in the Publications section, and there are corresponding drop downs for them)


Furthermore, under the publications section, it still asks for "conference or periodical name" leading me to believe that an oral should go in here under the drop-down selection for "Abstract"? After all, an oral podium presentation at an international conference is a bigger achievement than a poster presentation at the same, so wouldn't the oral logically go in that same section?


They tried to make things more clear this year, but it really doesn't seem to be!

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