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what are my chances?


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cGPA: 3.69



Are you IP or OOP. If you are OOP it will definitely be an uphill battle as only 14 people were accepted from outside Ontario last year. Even with a 3.9 the chances are not "good". You would probably have to ace Casper to get an interview. The average gpa last year was 3.75 (accepted gpa) only 24 people were in your gpa range (3.6-3.69). Your verbal reasoning score is decent but again below the mean, I'm not sure where that puts you once they convert it to a z score.


If you are IP go for it, if you perform decently on Casper you never know. Also, if you are OOP, depending on your financial situation I would say apply anyway. If anything taking Casper will definitely give you a better idea about the MMI and if you nail it you never know?


Good luck!

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